I know spotting and cramping are fairly common early pregnancy but I can’t help thinking the worst. I spoke to my EPU and they will scan me Friday. I just feel so sad. I know it probably has no bearing on it but the last 10 days at work I have been under horrific stress (as has my whole team) and working much longer hours. I can’t help thinking the exhaustion is making everything go wrong. I can’t even be signed off for stress because we’re so understaffed I just feel I can’t leave everyone else to deal with even more work. I just don’t know what to do. Xx
Spotting and cramping at 6w 😢 - Fertility Network...
Spotting and cramping at 6w 😢

hey purple, I had the same issue in my first pregnancy and spotting around wk6-7 - initially red on wiping and then pink then brown. My EPU scanned me and luckily was able to see fetal pole and yolk sac. I really hope it’s the same for you.
Stress is unlikely to impact an implanted embryo even though it does sound like you’re going through a really tough time at work. Take time when you can for some mindfulness (or doing something mindless that you enjoy). Hopefully taking a small break will help your stress levels. Good luck for Friday and please keep us posted x
Thanks lovely. The logical side of my brain knows it may be fine but we can’t help but think the worst. The lady I spoke to at EPU was very nice but not exactly reassuring, just saying they need to see me and to call back if bleeding gets heavier. At least when I had some light bleeding last time around 10w with my little boy my MW was really dismissive, which was actually reassuring! Xx
Sorry to hear you are going through this 💜 Really hope the scan gives you some reassurance.
I had bleeding at 6 weeks and 2 days…quite heavy red blood and saw the EPU the next day. They think it may have been a haematoma which are usually nothing to worry about and usually disappear by themselves. Saw a heartbeat and just had my viability scan today 7weeks and 4 days…all on track, though still early days.
Bleeding is more common than you think in early pregnancy but you are right to get it checked and of course the worry is still there.
With regards to stress, from what I have read it is unlikely to have an impact on pregnancy but I agree would be much better if you could relax and have a bit of peace of mind.
Will be thinking of you Friday and hoping everything turns out well for you xx
I am sorry that you are going through this coupled with your work stress. I had a large bleed at 6 w 3 d and it turned out to be a haematoma. I was told to take it very easy and work from home. My main takeaway was to start putting myself and my pregnancy first. Have you considered taking a sick leave?
I have considered it but I’m in a difficult situation-it’s a small team and my coworkers are my friends. Taking time off would just dump them right in it when they are already working 11h days. I will see what happens Friday and go from there. Someone else has been off on compassionate leave and will be back next week so at least we’ll be one up again if I need to bow out for a bit Xx
Just a little update, I got my second HCG back from Medichecks (sample taken Sunday so 4d ago) and HCG has gone up normally from 3740 to 9388 in 3.5 days. It doesn’t completely rule out an ectopic but perhaps MC is a bit less likely. Will see what the scan brings tomorrow. Xx
That's great news and hope it's reassuring. I know the spotting will be worrying but with me it went on the whole pregnancy whenever I can off progesterone and it turned out to be nothing sinister, just something to do with blood supply to the cervix and a benign growth that eventually went on its own. And please don't worry about the work stress, I really don't think it has any impacts on the baby and having a healthy pregnancy, just not great for you and your health. I was under soooo much work pressure when I had my successful FET and that carried on throughout, right up to the birth I was doing mad hours. And then on the one I just lost, I was taking time off and totally chilled. So for me at least it didn't make a difference one way or the other. Plus I totally get what you're saying about feeling you're letting a team down, that would probably stress me out just as much anyway!
Second update. Pregnancy confirmed on scan, in the right place, saw teeny heartbeat. They did not want to check cervix due to already having scan. I’m not sure whether I should be discussing changing/upping meds with clinic? Anyone else have meds upped after bleeding with medicated FET? Xx