I'm currently 8+5 after a very unexpected natural pregnancy. Initially considered to be ectopic it has now been confirmed that pregnancy is viable at 6+3 when heartbeat was detected. On Tuesday I had some spotting. This sent me in to a total panic and called EPAC who said to monitor the situation. I have continued to have some more spotting although today it has been more of a brown discharge. I called EPAC again today explaining the spotting was continuing and I was worried. They have booked me in for a scan tomorrow.
I am really badly constipated which is causing significant discomfort and bloating along with trapped wind. I have now been able to get some lactulose in the hope that eases things but the midwife indicated this could cause spotting but I had constipation in my last pregnancy and it didn't cause spotting. I had an implantation bleed around 5 weeks but nothing other than that so now I'm convinced this is the beginning of the end and symptom spotting everything!
I have horrendous nausea and sickness which I'm struggling to manage with work and a three year old and feel totally overwhelmed with it all. The anxiety of this pregnancy is through the roof and I thought I was bad last time.
Sorry for the moan but find it hard to share all my worries with friends and families as they either make me worry more or make me feel like I'm being silly. My husband is beside himself and asking me if I'm okay every 10 minutes and whilst he means well I just want to smother him at times!
I know there is nothing I can do before the scan tomorrow but I'm absolutely terrified I'm going to be told the pregnancy is over 😭
It seems those of us that struggle with our Fertility never get an easy ride even when we do catch a break and get pregnant and I keep thinking about how unfair it all is as everyone else always seems to get pregnant without any issues - I know this isn't true but I'm in a very irrational head space at present.
Sorry again for the moan and hoping everyone else is having a better day than me x