I’m starting to get worried as I haven’t felt and movements yet from my baby. My placenta was at the back on my last scan at 12w & 16w and they really got my hopes up saying I will feel baby move soon with the placenta position
18w+3 when will I feel my baby? - Fertility Network...
18w+3 when will I feel my baby?

Hey, I know it's stressful but try not to worry. If it's your first baby sometimes you don't feel it until much later because to be honest you don't know what you are looking for. I didn't feel this one move until about 19 1/2 weeks and all of a sudden it was a pinging feeling in the middle of the night, previously I had been looking for 'bubbles' and 'fluttering'.. I never got any of those! For first babies it's not uncommon to not feel anything until 20 weeks. It will probably happen when you least expect it but if you are worried you can always speak to your midwife x
Would you consider a private scan to help reassure you? X

Hi Hopedream. With a first pregnancy it can take up to 20/40 wks. It is the tiniest flutter/popping sensation to start with that you often mistake for wind, until you realise it is frequent. I'm sure all is well. Read a story to baby each night, as he/she can hear you perfectly now and will know your voices when born. Diane
Thank you that’s reassuring! My partner thinks he is going to feel it before me! He keeps putting his had on my belly waiting to feel something which is making me more inpatient. Hopefully in a week or so maybe… I have a nhs scan on Wednesday so il try look forward to that xx