It feels like a huge hurdle to have got to, and I almost can't believe that I have! It was so lovely to see our little bean bouncing about and waving it's arms and legs around, honestly it didn't feel real.
I've been scheduled for more scans than normal because of my age and being IVF, but still now got a wait until 20 weeks for the anomaly scan, which feels like forever.
Two questions...
First, the fertility clinic told me to just stop the estrogen and progesterone I'm on yesterday. This feels very odd to me to just go from a relatively high dose to nothing without testing my hormone levels. I was told I had low progesterone earlier in the pregnancy so I'm scared to just stop it. Has anyone carried on beyond 12w or am I needlessly worrying?
Second, telling people you are pregnant. Our closest friends and family already know, but I feel like people usually "announce" their pregnancy after the 12w scan. I'm so nervous all the time that I feel scared to broadcast it, but am I just robbing myself of some element of joy here? I'm not sure when I feel like I'll be comfortable enough to tell people confidently that I'm pregnant... Maybe 39 weeks?!
As always would appreciate the advice of you lovely ladies. Hope you are all keeping well xxx