Made it to 12w scan! : It feels like a... - Fertility Network...

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Made it to 12w scan!

ButtercupGarden profile image

It feels like a huge hurdle to have got to, and I almost can't believe that I have! It was so lovely to see our little bean bouncing about and waving it's arms and legs around, honestly it didn't feel real.

I've been scheduled for more scans than normal because of my age and being IVF, but still now got a wait until 20 weeks for the anomaly scan, which feels like forever.

Two questions...

First, the fertility clinic told me to just stop the estrogen and progesterone I'm on yesterday. This feels very odd to me to just go from a relatively high dose to nothing without testing my hormone levels. I was told I had low progesterone earlier in the pregnancy so I'm scared to just stop it. Has anyone carried on beyond 12w or am I needlessly worrying?

Second, telling people you are pregnant. Our closest friends and family already know, but I feel like people usually "announce" their pregnancy after the 12w scan. I'm so nervous all the time that I feel scared to broadcast it, but am I just robbing myself of some element of joy here? I'm not sure when I feel like I'll be comfortable enough to tell people confidently that I'm pregnant... Maybe 39 weeks?!

As always would appreciate the advice of you lovely ladies. Hope you are all keeping well xxx

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ButtercupGarden profile image
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11 Replies
Ltry profile image

Yay! So glad you had a good scan. We had our 12 week scan yesterday too. I was in tears beforehand convinced something would be wrong but the baby was measuring exactly on time and we saw the heartbeat. I am so relieved. I have my first midwife appointment tomorrow so going to ask about extra monitoring but I don't think they will do another scan before 20 weeks so more waiting!

My clinic told me to stop meds at 10 weeks. I felt the same as you about just going cold turkey so I weaned off for a week. I've been off them for a week and a half now and nothing has changed (except I think I feel a bit better symptom wise!).

I know how you feel about telling people. We have now told close family but have decided not to otherwise 'announce' it. We are just going to tell friends as and when we see them. Some know what we have been going through and some don't .

ButtercupGarden profile image
ButtercupGarden in reply to Ltry

So glad to hear your scan went well too! The anxiety in the build up is unreal. Glad to hear you haven't noticed a change after coming off the meds. I have some left so I think I'll taper down this week and see what happens. Might also call the midwife to ask whether they tested progesterone in my last blood test. I don't think they did but worth asking I guess!

I think we will take the same approach re telling people... I'm not one for big announcements anyway!

StarsAllAround profile image

First off congratulations 🎊 its so amazing to finally see your little one after the journey we go through to get here. I know it's scary to just stop meds but its completely fine to just stop as once the placenta kicks in it takes over and extra progesterone etc is not needed, if there was an issue with the placenta not doing its job they would of told you at your scan. We didn't publicly announce until after our 20 week scan as I was soo anxious that something would go wrong, even had a private scan at 16 weeks as I'd convinced myself I wasn't pregnant 🤣 30 weeks now and little one gives me plenty of kicks to remind me all is ok. Just announce when you feel ready too take time to enjoy this moment before the anxiety kicks back in. X

Boo718 profile image

yay congratulations. I had low progesterone at the start I weaned it off over a week and was absolutely fine. As for telling people I’ve only really told people when I bump in to them rather than announce it and only close friends and family knew till I was about 15 weeks. I don’t feel like I’ve missed an announcement stage. Xxx

Whoop! Congrats! Thats such exciting news! Like the others have said, I know it's nerve wracking but all should be ok with the progesterone. As I understand it the placenta takes over at 7-8 weeks but they keep us on it until 12 weeks just to be on the safe side. I also had low progesterone early on and was on a LOT in the end.. I weaned myself a bit rather than cold turkey and also kept a few cyclogest back in case of emergency but I didn't use them.

We only told family after the results of our NIPT, and then told a few friends but kept feeling like we were tempting fate if we made a big announcement. I am not really a 'publish a scan photo on FB' type of person but thought I would end up doing some sort of 'good news' post.. but I didn't and weirdly quite a few of my friends still don't know despite being 26 weeks!! We aren't intentionally keeping it a secret we are just telling people if we see them or if they see the bump! It felt a bit sad that we never got the big unveiling as we felt that we could finally tell everyone all about the nightmare we have been through but in the end we haven't even bothered with that as no one really understands unless you have been through it so there was nothing to be gained! xx

We announced at 20 weeks - but just do it when you feel comfortable.

I wanted to wait until we had our risk assessment for Downs etc. due to my age.

Very exciting! Well done!


Solly-44 profile image

Eeek brilliant news, bet you’re over the moon 🥰

I’m answer to your questions, when pregnant with my son I stopped all meds cold turkey at 12 weeks. It’s nerve wracking but I think they give a really comfortable overlap to be sure you’ll be producing enough yourself (I’ve seen women on here told to stop at 9ish weeks). I’m currently due to stop mine in a few days and can’t say I’m not worried, I think it’s natural when we’ve been so focused on the meds doing their thing and remembering to take them on time etc.

Announcing is a funny one and I agree with the others, just do what feels right to you. This time I’ve only told 1 friend so we’re planning on telling family and friends if our 12 week scan goes well next week 🙏🤞 I didn’t tell colleagues until I was about 20 weeks though last time, I don’t know why it just felt impossible and I only did then because there was no hiding it 😂 Whatever you’re comfortable with is the right way to do it xx

Kittykat198 profile image

congratulations! Next milestone crossed!

I’m probably an anomaly but I had spotting for 2 weeks after stopping my meds from fet cold turkey. It never progressed to anything scary but didn’t half give me anxiety. I had no cramps, no discomfort and wouldn’t have needed a pad or anything. No reason given except maybe the meds or cervix (which they checked and said was ok). Baby is fine. Had a scan since stopping with no reason seen too and heard its little heart twice.

EPU said it’s not common to have spotting like that but could have been the reason and they had seen it before. They were not worried at all though. We are measuring ahead, good placenta etc

I’ve also seen lots of people on here have a random bleed without reason and everything be fine so it could just be one of those things. My friend had similar at about 20 weeks with a natural pregnancy.

Like others, we have told family and my boss because of the nature of my job but leaving most people until after 20 weeks. This is my preference and again I’m probably strange but I’ve had a few losses and just can’t face telling people. It’s a nice strange secret to have.

Best of luck!

helodie profile image

congratulations ! My meds were stopped on OTD and I’m now 14+2, the placenta will have taken over by now so I really don’t think you need to worry xxx

DianeArnold profile image

Hi ButtercupGarden. Lots of ladies slowly wean off their progesterone etc, so no reason why you can't do the same if you feel happier. Your body only takes what it needs anyway, so the fact tjat you have reached 12/40wks and all is well which should be reassuring. Your little one is more than just a bean now. Have a look at your scan and look at the lovely white bones, spine, and even the teeth in the jaw bone - amazing! One little person growing as he/she should/ The important people in your life know about your pregnancy. so perhaps wait until the 20/40wks scan, when you can share the sex if you want - up to you. Diane

Somoe profile image

Congratulations, great news! We told a handful of close family members after the 12 week scan and others after the 20 week scan. The fear factor is totally understandable but I am sure you’ll find the right time, go with your instinct!

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