Hi lovelies. I’m 27 weeks now and I’m starting to wake up feeling achey, mostly in my back. I’m wondering whether a pregnancy pillow would help and if so can you recommend a decent one? I’d prefer one that doesn’t take up too much room in the bed or else I’ll have to kick my other half out!! X
Pregnancy pillow recommendations - Fertility Network...
Pregnancy pillow recommendations

Hey there, I’m 29 weeks and last month invested in a decent pillow. It made such a big difference and I’m using it day and night whether im sitting or sleeping. I’ve never tried the cheaper versions so can’t compare them but i got the bbhugme from john lewis. xx
I've got a dreamgenii one, which works very well for me. It's designed for sleeping on your left, but works really well to sleeping on your right side too. I usually swop sides frequently throughout the night.

Hi Zeebee. Have you spoken to your midwife about these, as sometimes they can recommend pillows at a cheaper rate. Good luck! Diane
Hi Zeebee, the below is the pregnancy pillow I recently bought, it's a bit big but honestly since I got it I sleep soo much better snuggled up in it. My husband isn't a fan though as it takes up too much off the bed 🤣. Hope you find something that works for you x
I got a bbhugme. Expesive but very effective and it has been in continuous use after my son was born, first by husband and now as a baby cushion/catcher as my boy learned to sit unaided and now stand🙈 xx
another vote for the bbhugme. My friend thankfully gave me hers as they are not cheap! But I’ve loved it and not waking up on my back so often x
bbhugme all the way! It's worth the price tag, I'm using it all the time, including in the evenings on the sofa!
Hey, do you have a gym/ birthing ball? My midwife suggested one for me to help with back issues and what a game changer. I sit on it in front of the TV or whilst working and it helps with taking pressure off my back & helping posture. It’s important to get the correct size & midwife/physio can advise on that but massive improvement with back pain. Love my pillow too but the ball really surprised me with the improvement.