I just tested positive for Covid, I’m 16+2 today. I had a scan this morning with intralipids, all good. However, I have a horrible blocked nose and sometimes cough. Should I be concerned? My husband is negative for now, we both had all 3 doses of Pfizer vaccine. The midwife was not concerned and I will call the gp tomorrow. Any tips for me on how to feel better?
I have Covid! : I just tested positive... - Fertility Network...
I have Covid!

Oh no bless you!! Try not to worry, just get plenty of rest and keep fluids up. For the blocked nose maybe try Sterimar Nasal spray! It’s 100% natural, just in a handy can to put up your nose and clear it out. I had awful sinuses around the same time in my pregnancy with Charlie, could have swore it was covid but I was negative but the blocked nose was awful, that really helped me! Hope you feel better soon. Any concern ring the GP but plenty of rest you should be feeling better soon xx
I will try the nasal spray, thank you for the suggestion! The gp only told me to boil water and breathe the steam which worked for a bit but now it’s blocked again 😅 xxx
I had it early on and I'm 30 weeks today. The midwife sent me out blood thinning injections, record book, thermometer and something for my pulse and heart rate xx
I’ve just tested positive too and I’m nearly 7 weeks! Hope you’re feeling ok 💕 my clinic said to rest up and drink lots of fluids. Take care x
That’s what they said to me too and to breath vapor from hot water! I only have a blocked nose now but pretty bad! How are you feeling? 💕
Aw that’s rubbish, not a nice feeling is it! I’ve felt horrendous all day and just started with a temp which is worrying me, but hopefully will feel better tomorrow. We’ve been so careful but looks as though my daughter brought it back from nursery 🙈I never thought of breathing Vapor, good advice! Hope you feel better in the morning ♥️🤞x
Aww what a worry but you have had your vaccines so hopefully you will be absolutely fine. I know we were all a bit worried about the vaccines but thank god we had them! I got an awful head cold early on and then continued with sinus issues for a few weeks I have to admit I used Vicks sinus spray it was the only thing that worked 🫣 I needed to sleep with having HG as well.
Rest up and lots of fluids 💗
Yes, absolutely thank God for those vaccines! We work from home and we got away with it for 2.5 years but I still feel the timing now in 2nd trimester is better than other times! They told me to try Vicks cream so I might give it a go! When is your c-section planned for? It must be really close now? 🥰
Oog no sorry to hear that! Not sure if any tips that have not yet been mentioned but I hope you feel better soon! I had a good friend who had it around your gestation and she is about the give birth to a healthy girl so doesn’t have to mean anything! Just take good care of yourself! ❤️