Just thought I would update my situation after being diagnosed with Nash in 2019. After changing my diet and losing 20 kilos I have been told by my surgeon who recently performed an operation to repair a large hiatus hernia that I do not have Nash. My liver has returned to its normal size and it's a little fatty is all. I was shocked to say the least as I am booked in for another fibroscan early next year but he said to cancel it. He is a professor and he is on the liver transplant team so I have to believe what he is telling me despite it being hard to believe. He said I do not have any fibrosis or portal hypertension. I was taking milk thistle every day along with Vitamin E, C, D and Nac. I followed a Mediterranean diet along with keto. I am so happy but it still seems unbelievable 😳
Update: Just thought I would update my... - Living with Fatty...

Congratulations, if you can catch it before the fibrosis becomes fully matured it can completely dissolve. Early detection would save a lot of lives and you are proof.
Thank you so much for all you do and for this community that helps so many to share in a common goal. Its a sounding board and a place to share feelings, emotions good and not so good. You have helped me in my journey to reverse this insidious disease. I will always be grateful for this community ❣️
That is unbelievably great new! Congratulations. Keep on doing what you are doing a maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Believe it ! Great news! Same happened to me. I too take Milk Thistle every night. It is a powerful, yet gentle liver detoxifier.
How many mg's or eu's of each vitamin and suppliment do you take and when and how many to do take? In other words, what is your schedule to take them and how much each time.
When one speaks of 'miracles' by health professional standards - you are one! What joy you must be feeling having the fear and consequences of this deadly disease taken from you......my envy is through the roof, but so happy it is possible. The only vitamin in your list i am not sure of is 'nac'? I've been vegan and since diagnosis in October have gone from a XXL to a size 12 and have been eternally grateful for that and the fact my specialist said to keep doing what i'm doing, so food obviously plays a major part in this disease, although she did tell me, in my instance it is inherited, and as someone who never drank, smoked or did any drugs...except sugar....it was a total shock. I'm digressing, again God bless and enjoy your new found freedom.
Thank you for your kind words. I still remember the horrible sinking feeling of doom when I was told I had Nash. I thought my future was instantly shortened and whilst I did a lot of research as there is limited help from doctors and specialist, I still tried to live normally and make small changes gradually. I religiously took my supplements, cut out alcohol, though I wasn't much of a drinker to start with and limited carbs and sugar. It is possible to reverse Nash in its early stages, you just have to be consistent. Good luck on your journey ❣️
Congratulations, how happy you must feel!!! What degree of Fibrosis did you have? Did you ever eat red meat or have ice cream?
I had F2 and luckily for me that was the worst I progressed to. I did have red meat though only a few times a week and yes I did have ice-cream and take away occasionally. I think if it's in moderation it's fine. Its like the old saying goes, it's not what you do some of the time but what you do most of the time that makes the difference. As I said whilst I knew the seriousness of what I was dealing with, I didn't let it consume me. I researched and took what I needed from that and discarded the rest. Took my supplements every day and lost around 20 kilos albeit very slowly. I avoided Panadol and NSAIDs and antibiotics as much as possible. Sugar is poison and I avoided it as much as I could. I also only had berries occasionally as fruit is not as good as it's claimed to be. This is my journey but everyone is different. Hope this helps you in some small way ❣️
Thank you so much for the most part I eat the Mediterranean diet and I have halo light ice cream maybe twice a month I've yet to have red meat in two years but after going to the specialist yesterday she said I was turning everything around but because I'm older it will take longer for the scarring to go away. She did say something very interesting she said I may not have scarring at all and would need a biopsy but a biopsy only works if they test the piece of tissue that has the scarring. So I'll continue to eat as if I do still have it so that it never comes back she said ours is genetic.
Congratulations on your success!