The day finally came! Me being the nut I am, I secretly taped my doctor, hahahha. Anyway, I gave him all my bloodwork and my fibroscran. He gave me a physical exam and looked at everything- glad I chose him. He said at my age, blood work and lack of physical symptoms, he doesn't believe I have cirrhosis, eventhough kpa is 16.2. He said the question is whether I have fatty liver or nash- and that I most likely have nash. He was a little concerned about the Iron deficiency in my bloodwork so he ordered a stool sample. He also ordered a ultra sound a full liver panel. Told me to continue with diet and exercise. What do you think, should I still be worried?
Long awaited visit with my liver spec... - Living with Fatty...
Long awaited visit with my liver specialist. Your thoughts.

Hi, I think you have found yourself a Dr who is looking to carry out more tests to determine a better diagnosis for you which is really great, and really best to try and not jump in with any thoughts other than what you have been told so far sounds positive, it will not be long until you have the results for your tests and scan, in the meantime do exactly what Dr has advised and continue with your diet and exercise it really is key to making a difference in your life.
Good luck.
Thank you. If you don't mind me asking, what have been diagnosed with?
I agree with gillianTS , and keep up the good work, you are doing really so pleased that you seem to have found yourself a decent Dr. Take care Lynne
Hi, I personally do not have liver problems it's my husband who has an issue that has never been able to be determined from having hugely inflated liver enzymes, firstly he was told NASH and then after tests and scan told no fatty liver but no explanation and told not to worry, the only way we have been able to reduce these enzymes is through diet and exercise, the enzymes have come down but never anywhere near within the normal range but they have dropped, in particular GGT has dropped more than 250, last test 102, normal range here is 6 - 35.
Hoping you can get some relief and answers soon.
I too have nash. I have devoted countless hours to research of this topic and have found a remedy that works for me: 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar in 12 oz water after breakfast and dinner. After two weeks of this therapy, I am pleased to report that I don't experience the ballooning or inflammation anymore. The pain in the upper-right quadrant of my abdomen is almost gone.
Also, I start my day drinking 24 oz of water and I drink at least 3.7 ltr or more of water every day. Three to four cups of coffee is a must.
Finally, collegen depletion became a major issue so I ingest one-half heaping teaspoon of Knox Gellatin (Collegen) in 12 oz water every morning.
Dr. Mercola has recently published a blog in which he cites the work of a researcher working at MIT. The reading of this blog is a MUST!
Good luck.
Recommend anything for indigestion? I have gas all the time and I frequently feel like burping when I don't have to. These symptoms became pronounced when I went on my liquid diet. What did the ballooning inflammation feel like?
I had gerd and hiatus hernia in 2010 onwards. Anyway in Feb 2014 I had an operation called fundoplication which cleared this straight away. My muscles in my oesophagus haven't worked for a good few years(nothing to do with the op) so I always have a glass of sparkling water at the side of me when I'm eating so that the water can propel it down. Please take care Lynne
Indigestion? Maybe. It depends upon what is causing the symptoms, where the symptoms are manifesting, etc. Indigestion is formally known as dyspepsia. Please read through the following information:
At this point in time, and without knowing more about you, I can only speculate. I too have experienced similar problems and in my case I attribute the problems to incomplete hydrolysis of the food moving through my gastrointestinal tract. Milk Thistle seemed to alliviate my problems as did a supplement called L-NAC (N-acetyl cystein). Please read this information:
Ballooning? It feels like a balloon is inflating in your liver in the upper-right quadrant of your abdomen.
There is much to know and research if you want answers and effective treatment. You may want to start with the following web sites:
4.7.Hepatic Stellate Cell
4.8.Perisinusoidal fibrosis
4.10.American Association for the Study of Liver Disease
4.11.Drug-Induced Steatohepatitis
4.12.Aspirin for Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
4.13.Aspirin and Fatty Liver Disease
4.14.Regular aspirin use is not protective
Journal of Hepatology
4.15.Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and cardiovascular risk
4.16.Journal of Gastroenterology
4.17.What to Take for Pain If You Have a Fatty Liver
4.18.Preclinical analysis of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug usefulness for the simultaneous prevention of steatohepatitis, atherosclerosis and hyperlipidemia
4.19.NASH: a mitochondrial disease
4.20."Hepatic glucose and lipid metabolism". Diabetologia.
4.21.Alkaline phosphatase
4.22.Liver enzyme alteration: a guide for clinicians
4.23.Alkaline Phosphatase Determinants of Liver Patients
4.24.Elevated alkaline phosphatase
4.25.NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
It's VERY importatnt that you read the following article:
Then you should read this article:
If the last two articles fail to answer your questions, then I can't help you.
Good luck!
Hi how do you know that you have less ballooning and inflamation --my doctor says you cannot tell unless you have a biopsy .I too have been drinking apple cider vinegar but and lost 22 pounds but cannot tell if my liver is any better .I have Nash

Docs are inconsistent in their staging of liver fibrosis and Fibroscan results vary depending upon the cause of the problem. Broadly speaking, however, at 16 most docs would call that a stage 4 NASH or cirrhosis. The question then becomes compensated or uncompensated. If you don't have symptoms it is uncompensated. A lot of confusion is caused by that distinction. In any case, good that you are taking it seriously and the doc is testing. I wouldn't say worry exactly, but you should assume that you have to treat your liver with care because you do have damage unless the Fibroscan was done incompetently.
Hey Johnny,
It's a great way to take care of your diet. There are actually many ways to prevent Liver problem. I found a video on Youtube that explains a few ways to prevent liver problem.
I’ve tried several different ways to learn about liver problem. Here’s a link to a video that gives some great tips.
Click on that link above and once you land on the page, click where it says “Iam not a robot” and then you will be redirected to the youtube video that shows how to cure liver problem.
Hope this helps you.
John Mathew