Has anyone had Covid and NASH. I was on a cruise last week and the day after I got off I tested positive for COVID with a home test. I called the Dr. right away and said what now, he said he would have the hospital call me to pick up the new script they now have but not FDA approved. They called and told me to pick it up 2 hours later, then 15 minutes later they called and said, no we have decided with you medical history we need to do an infusion, we will call you back. Within an hour they called me and I was at the hospital 6 hours later getting an infusion. It was the best thing. Within 48 hours I'm feeling so much better. I have the new variance which people think they just have sinuses or cold., they said it is being transferred very easily so be very careful and if you get it, get an infusion right away or you may not make it. Within hours I was feeling it in my liver and in my back tightening. I am in stage 3-4 fibrosis, so I probably would not be here if I had not. However, I missed the meeting this morning at 10 a.m. with the NASH group. Now I'm really bummed because I had looked so forward to it. Be careful out there, even though COVID is not as hard on you, it's still hard on NASH patience's. I've had all my shots and still got it.
Covid and NASH: Has anyone had Covid... - Living with Fatty...
Covid and NASH

I am glad you got the infusion so quickly. I did attend the meeting and it was just the start of our discussion. I will send you the NIH article that was briefly discussed.We ended with saying that we could submit suggestions on a new nomenclature to Jeff McIntyre <jmcintyre@globalliver.org . There will be another meeting before July 1st.
Can I just ask why...if your high risk you choose to go on a cruise during a pandemic?
Infusion sorry can you explain it ? .
Infusion sorry can explain of what ? Pat
I have Nash and got covid last October of 2021. I do not think the vaccines are any good or that helpful so I didn't get any. I got a monoclonal infusion and I was fine within 2 weeks. It did take me several months to get all my taste and smell back though. My husband was the same, Except he was completely fine within 3 days after the infusion. Now there are no monoclonal infusions to be had around where I live so I feel sorry for anybody who comes down with it. Seems like the government is purposely withholding them.
I've had all my vaccines and with the infusion it just feels like a bad cold. I still have taste and everything people say they lose. They told me I'd be great in 48 hours, but now at 60 hours and still not the best but a lot better. I think tomorrow will be much better. I'm still coughing.
I think you make bad choices.
Think what you want to think but my Dr.'s tell me they are so proud of me for living my life, if I had not, I would of been dead years ago. Only God knows when I'm going to die and I will die of something a car accident or anything. So when my number is up it is up, but I would of lived my life. I'm so much better than I was 15 years ago. I was in stage 4 - 21 years ago. I'm not wasting my time feeling sorry for myself on a couch and not leaving my house. I'm living because I'm not afraid to die. I was put on the earth for a purpose and I'm fulling it with a few trials and tribulations and with NASH. I listen to my body and I listen to it well. I got more rest on the cruise ship then I ever do at home. My next cruise is to Greece next year. I'm here to see the world and live. Not wait to die!!!!!!!
Same. We are going to die with it. Not from it. Yes we take precautions and do extra, to be safe. We still need to enjoy life and live. And I was diagnosed six years ago with PBC. And have traveled the world. I like you listen to my body. And rest when I need to rest. And enjoy, when my body says it’s OK
Happy Trails
Lorraine Louise
I have gone to OSU Wexner Medical Center for 21 years and they all agree they wish their patients were more like me. I did everything to try to keep from getting COVID, I didn't go there to get COVID and then ask for a cure. I wore my mask, I did everything right. The type I have is the allergy/cold variance which is the new one and highly contagious. I didn't know about this variance when I went. I had all my vaccines. Many old people I'm sure by far worst off then I am were on the cruise. One couple had been cruising for a month. We all have a health problem, some don't know it, but you can't stay in bed all day or locked in your home. My dr's say that is the worst thing to do and I have been interviewed by many researchers and they all say, you are living your life and so proud of you. It's the people that don't that die. Sorry, you have such negativity, please do more research and live your life, but life it in moderation and learn to listen to your body. Your body tells you so much.
Ok I'm gonna get a little personal here! Do you give a shit about anyone else but yourself? Because your sharing your methods of defiance, compliance, happiness or whatever you want to call it with the population regarding COVID. Do you have the stats on how many people with NASH have died from COVID, let's say past 12 months?
Just live your life, you can get into your car and be dead 5 minutes from now, or fall over of a heart attack a minute from now, only God knows when our time is up and what we will die of, so I'm living. I have quarantined since I found out I had it. I'm not hurting anyone. Life is a risk everywhere, it's full of trials and tribulations. Nothing is guaranteed in life. I hurt no one else on that trip. I was home 2 days before I tested positive. I was negative when I got home. No one willingly gets sick. I had a great vacation that I so needed, ALL BY MYSELF. Spent hours alone on my balcony. I read 6 books in 6 days, does that sound like I was partying and not listening to guide lines. I totally followed the ship guidelines and more. It's the people that don't know they have NASH or any condition who do not listen to their bodies that get sick. I listen....
Aren’t you ALMIGHTY. I feel sorry for your patients.
Thanks, I wondered what they would do with liver patients.
I had the same experience. Were your liver enzymes elevated with covid? Mine were completely normal before and when I was sick and in the hospital getting the infusion they were very elevated.