You can reverse fatty liver! - Living with Fatty...

Living with Fatty Liver and NASH

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You can reverse fatty liver!

latingutz70 profile image
37 Replies

I hope everyone here is doing well and or on the road to getting there! I have posted many times on here and shared my story but just wanted to update everyone and maybe bring some hope to people who are struggling with fatty liver and wondering if they can reverse it.

I was diagnosed a few years ago with fatty liver, confirmed with a liver biopsy to having moderate to severe fatty liver, negative fibrosis. I’m 53 yrs old 5’11 and weighted 240 pounds. Well almost 2 years later I have lost 60 pounds and have changed my eating habits completely and exercise 4 days a weeks for 30 minutes a day. All my numbers are normal and have had several scan over the last 2 years everyone getting better.

Today I went and had my fibroscan and the numbers were pretty good, Cap was 185 S.0 and kpa was 4.0, F0-f2. I Just want to let everyone here know who is worried and afraid not to be. Take one day at a time and let the “why” be your motivation!

Eat right, excerise to the extent of your ability, and be your own advocate. The bottom line you can reverse fatty liver if you really give it your all. I did!

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latingutz70 profile image
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37 Replies
Livmar profile image

Hi, first of all super congratulations to you for your diligence in getting your fatty liver under control. I am just curious, was it you or your doctor who pushed for you to follow up on your fatty liver?

The problem generally is doctors just tell their patients, “you have fatty liver” … eat right and exercise. The next thing you know is after a couple years, your getting the news from a specialist once you develop symptoms, that you have cirrhosis!

Doctors are not being proactive and so many folks are suffering needlessly! Stay healthy, diligent and blessings.

latingutz70 profile image
latingutz70 in reply to Livmar

so my primary doctor is clueless when it come to my liver, he was not the first my old doctor of almost 20 years while they are great in there field are seriously oblivious about the liver. Like everyone here my doctor said it just fatty liver, everyone has fatty liver! Horrible response from my doctor. So I started doing my research about what I can do to combat this fatty liver the natural way, I was having pain in my gall bladder area and my liver area, my ast and alt were in the 60s and 70s and I came across a book called you can reverse fatty liver. Well I read the book and I began my journey, Mediterranean diet, olive oil, “thanks Wayne” exercise and found me a good gastro/Hep doctor who said let’s do biopsy and then we can do some scans.

I did take some supplements like vitamin e, Nac, and milk thistle the first year and it really helped. So long story short it doesn’t change over night but I really gave it my all. I said if I can extend my life by a couple of years that would be great! I don’t take blood pressure meds any more and I have a total different outlook on life now! It was an eye opener for me! And I’m in better shape at 53 than my entire life before this. Hope that helps.

Livmar profile image
Livmar in reply to latingutz70

Wow! Super kudos to you. Most people me included trusted my doctor and I wound up with cirrhosis. Lesson learned. I totally agree with you on diet and exercise, fruits, vegetables, lean meats like chicken breast cutting out all the processed junk can do miraculous things. Keep up the great work!

Herman7275 profile image
Herman7275 in reply to Livmar

Yes,trying but sometimes harder, but still try. Only drink water or black coffee, sometimes I have an unsweetened ice tea, and never artificial sweetner. My A1C last time was 7.0 last summer had gotten down to 6.6!!

Oldliver profile image
Oldliver in reply to Livmar

I read your comment and had the same experiences as you. I found a blog post that is changing my life. I eat 1/2 cup of olive oil a day... any green veggies I can chop up and garlic, no salt, no sugar, no fat, no white flour or gluten, and meats are lean and (unflavored when bought) chicken breast, pork loin, wild caught shrimp or salmon(or salmon patties). Season with Garlic Gourmet no salt spices like garlic and herb. I also got all the Mrs. Dash spices. I eat steel cut oats for breakfast and only berries for fruit. Salad are fine too but search for dressing with olive oil. Hope this helps... throw in some exercise and the weight falls off.

Livmar profile image
Livmar in reply to Oldliver

Good for you. Yes, the only weapon we have to fight back with is completely changing our lifestyle in the way we eat, exercise, eliminate stress and get enough sleep. All of these go a super long way towards getting us on a path to getting better. It does not happen overnight but slowly but surely.

The only thing I would eliminate is the pork. I also just use plain extra virgin olive oil. No salad dressings. Do you mind telling me what blog you saw with taking 1/2 cup olive oil ? I know Wayne does and recommends 1/4 cup which is 4 tablespoons. 1/2 cup seems a little too much. You are doing great and congratulations to you !

Herman7275 profile image

I agree!! I too was diagnosed with fatty liver & fibrosis & cirrhosis in 2018,I too on a low carb diet. Exercise 3 to 4 times a day!! I have reversed my fatty liver, lowered my fibrosis & yes even some of my cirrhosis!! I have lossed 75# and I turn 70 yrs young this July!! So it does help and it works for us all !!!!

DCguy2023 profile image

Thank you for the words of encouragement! Keep on posting updates as you progress.

Herman7275 profile image
Herman7275 in reply to DCguy2023

Sure any other questions!!

Golendoodle profile image

congratulations!!! During this time did you ever have ice cream or something you liked?

latingutz70 profile image
latingutz70 in reply to Golendoodle

yes I cheated here and there usually one meal a week I would treat myself to a normal meal. That worked for me! Have to keep the sanity.

Herman7275 profile image
Herman7275 in reply to Golendoodle

Yes, occasionally, I have lately, afteer th 1st 18moz, I have slacked off. Little dark chocolate or a med. Peanut butter milk shake is heaven. Or couple pieces of cheese. With in reason, won-t hurt.

latingutz70 profile image
latingutz70 in reply to Herman7275

absolutely agree. Love my block cheese here and there

Herman7275 profile image
Herman7275 in reply to latingutz70

When I gave up bread 🍞 I screamed but never my cheese!!!

Josie-Anne profile image

Hi latingutz70,

Thank you for your feed, and so pleased your making such good progress, but not everyone can exercise as much as that and for that long like myself who has fibromyalgia,ME, osteopenia amongst other issues so you can see the dilemma we face, so I guess little and often is the key.

It’s hard when doctors tell you that you have fatty liver disease then in my case leave you 3 years and don’t even give you regular scans/test until you push them, for my doctor to say “oh everyone has fatty liver, even I do” I thought Niacin was bad for the liver if that’s what Nac is? and may I ask is ‘thanks Wayne’ exercises available on YouTube or did you have to sign up to it and pay, thank you in advance ☺️

latingutz70 profile image
latingutz70 in reply to Josie-Anne

Nac is not Niacin the proper spelling is N-Acetylcysteine. Many studies have been done using it comes from a amino acid. Again I told my Hep and gastro doctor what I was planning on taking and he approved. I Took it for 3 months with victims E and then stopped for 3 and did it again. If you google N-Acetylcysteine you will see all the case study’s. Again I’m no doctor just always do what is right for you. But the book I read and research I did helped me a lot.

Josie-Anne profile image
Josie-Anne in reply to latingutz70

Thank you very much for the information ☺️

PWS1 profile image
PWS1 in reply to latingutz70

Check out betaine with pepsin supplement. It's another amino acid, which helps your body produce adequate hcl in the stomach which greatly aids digestion and metabolism. Many people, esp as we age, have too little acid not too much! Can result in incomplete digestion, worse allergies, too many bad microbes, SIBO, etc.

ThyroidDeb profile image
ThyroidDeb in reply to Josie-Anne

Wayne is the CEO of this great foundation. He and his wife work their ----- off to help us and updates us on everything they learn about the disease, trials and current stats on new decoveries of treatments. Plus they will give us hints on what can help our diets such as; how important extra virgin olive oil can be and so much more. 😄

latingutz70 profile image
latingutz70 in reply to ThyroidDeb

Wayne is amazing!

Josie-Anne profile image
Josie-Anne in reply to ThyroidDeb

Hi ThyroidDeb,

How do I get information from them, do they have a website please, thank you in advance 😊

ThyroidDeb profile image
ThyroidDeb in reply to Josie-Anne

He must be busy currently otherwise he would have responded to you. He still will, they travel a lot I think due to the foundation. They meet with a lot of other people and groups. You could send him a private message if you have questions but we all benefit from each other. He will respond as soon as he can.

Josie-Anne profile image
Josie-Anne in reply to ThyroidDeb


I haven’t spoken to him because I don’t know how to get hold of him, I’ve never heard of him before, hence why I asked if there was a website or is he on YouTube to get a message across to him 🤗

ThyroidDeb profile image
ThyroidDeb in reply to Josie-Anne

He reads these entries and answers. He is on Facebook under Fatty Liver Foundation (FLF). As far as I know there is no personal website nor YouTube, just FLF.

Josie-Anne profile image
Josie-Anne in reply to ThyroidDeb

Thank you very much 🤗

BU2B profile image
BU2B in reply to Josie-Anne

Select FOOD from the drop down Menu. SHIVA menu on the left if on a portable device

Josie-Anne profile image
Josie-Anne in reply to BU2B

Thank you very much 🤗

Herman7275 profile image
Herman7275 in reply to Josie-Anne

Hey never heard of Vit. C or the NAC ,will check with my liver dr about this, I go every September for fibroscan of liver and last yr they checked my spleen. I take 800 iu of Vit. E Every day. I ask last year bout Milk Thistle and she said there was not any clinical proof. Not to take it. But this interesting.

latingutz70 profile image
latingutz70 in reply to Herman7275

Nac has shown to reduce the size of the spleen in studies, Nac is an FDA approved supplement. Like I said I took it for 3 months several times over the last 2 years. It is also a very good antioxidant.

PWS1 profile image
PWS1 in reply to Herman7275

Hi. Check out supplement called betaine with pepsin to be taken with meals, helps with digestion and fatty liver profile. Good health!

Herman7275 profile image
Herman7275 in reply to PWS1

Ok will check it out thankyou

Herman7275 profile image

Thanks for this information,will check with my liver drs in September.

PWS1 profile image

Hi thanks for your encouraging words! I am about the same age, height and weight as you and have noticed also that all my liver numbers and scans are very sensitive to weight loss and exercise too. Found out that my aunt is having ammonia toxicity from cirrhosis, which is yet another motivator to do the right thing! Good health to all!

Oldliver profile image

Keep up the good work... this is what I am doing. Any other tips?

I read your comment and had the same experiences as you. I found a blog post that is changing my life. I eat 1/2 cup of olive oil a day... any green veggies I can chop up and garlic, no salt, no sugar, no fat, no white flour or gluten, and meats are lean and (unflavored when bought) chicken breast, pork loin, wild caught shrimp or salmon(or salmon patties). Season with Garlic Gourmet no salt spices like garlic and herb. I also got all the Mrs. Dash spices. I eat steel cut oats for breakfast and only berries for fruit. Salad are fine too but search for dressing with olive oil. Hope this helps... throw in some exercise and the weight falls off.

lusitania84 profile image

From what my GI told me. They used to think it was normal to have fatty liver as you age and they just cast it off as a normal occurrence and didn't suggest anything to mitigate. Now they always suggest lifestyle changes. That's just what I was told. I'm 39 so it's all new to me.

Oldliver profile image

I really needed to hear what you wrote. I am going to be having a biopsy. Then the Liver Institute of Seattle wants me to be in a clinical study. They think I have level 2 or 3 cirrhosis. I'm super freaked out. I've lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I eat only veggies, lean meats, nuts, and olive oil with Mrs. Dash spices.

latingutz70 profile image
latingutz70 in reply to Oldliver

Listen everyone that is on this site has been where you’re at, a lot of us have either reverse some, or most of the fat on our livers. Your liver will always have some fat on it especially if you’re aged in years but, doing something about it early is key to preventing more damage. This site is full of a lot of testimonies from people like, Wayne who has been living with this for over 20 years and who is an advocate for this disease, to guys like me who 2 years ago got scared to death because of how I was feeling (pain in lower right side) and said enough went on a strict Mediterranean diet and excersise and in 2 years have seen great results in getting back to a healthier life style. So many of us hear Wayne, thyroidDeb , Herman the list goes on and on, can tell you just don’t stress out. When I first found out I had so much anxiety it was not healthy made me even more sick just because I thought I was going to die. Don’t do it to yourself and just let that fear of the unknown be the fuel that allows you to make the change. best of luck and may Gods grace and mercy be your strength.

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