I was diagnosed with Fatty Liver 16 yeaers ago. I have exercised, eat healthy and have had lower ASL/ALT numbers, then they rise for no apparent reason. I have recently lost 10 pounds . . . still no change in my numbers. Any suggestions???
Fatty Liver: I was diagnosed with Fatty... - Living with Fatty...
Fatty Liver

howdijen, clever handle there.
That question isn't as simple as it may seem. Fatty liver has a really wide range of meanings. It starts at anything over 5% fat and just goes up until the liver starts to form scar tissue and that is called NASH. The difficult thing is that many keep saying fatty liver until you get serious symptoms and out of the blue they say you have cirrhosis. Liver enzymes can be completely normal until the liver gets quite sick so they are a poor indicator of liver health. Those tests can go up and down for a lot of reasons unrelated to the liver. Infections for example, but since you were diagnosed all those years ago, if it was me, I would try to get a current evaluation with a hepatologist.
Thank you. I'll look into that.
Hi Wayne, how do you find out the fat % of your liver? I'm in the uk and it just said 'diffuse fatty infiltration' on the ultrasound report, I just took this to mean widespread?