Hey I was diagnosed with fld 2 months back have lost 7 kgs and changed diet my blooad tests are normal again except my total bil which is 1.2 mg/dl . did I reverse fatty liver...
Fatty liver: Hey I was diagnosed with... - Living with Fatty...
Fatty liver
Hi Pradsy
One of the things to understand is that it took years to develop a liver problem and there are no quick fixes. It sounds like you have made a good start and have things headed in the right direction but you should think of it as a lifetime change. The research suggests that you need to lose at least 7% of your body weight to begin to reverse the process and more is better so think about what percent of your weight the 7 kilos is.
Thnk u for the reply. I weighed 88 kg and now I weigh 81 kg.
That's a great start. According to the research that is the point where your liver can start to do better. No guarantees of course, but you have changed the balance of fat in your body so the way the liver must work is also changed. Just remember that it is a long term problem so there is no going off the diet. Good Luck
Yaa i, hope so . can a person with fatty liver with regular exercise and diet have a normal life span..
That is a very individual thing, of course. The best thing is your diagnosis was fatty liver which is easier to deal with than cirrhosis. The short answer is yes a normal life span is possible if the liver is cared for. A personal story, I was diagnosed with cirrhosis but one of the best days my wife and I have had in the past 5 years was when my hepatologist said that I had made enough progress that he was 90% sure that something else would be what killed me. Odd way to think of it I guess, but something will kill us all so we just do what we can to make it be something else.
Thats very inspiring . what did u do to make such a progress. yes im glad I was told fatty liver. could u pls explain what the ultrasound report means it says " mild to moderate fatty changes " .
Our website really tells our personal story. Much of it was the diet here is a link to what we did
Pathologists have some differences in how they say things but moderate would typically mean the liver is in a range between 30 and 60 percent fat. That sounds scary but it doesn't necessarily mean it is being damaged as the fat itself isn't harmful for most people but it makes the liver more vulnerable to all kinds of other harms. Everyone is different so your doctor is the one to explain your particular situation.
Hi Wayne. So am i right in what i am reading? You have to loose weigh by 7% to kick start the liver to regenerate? What if you have cirrhosis and fatty liver? Surely patients with cirrhosis are not supposed to diet/ loose weight etc.. im 5ft 3 and 60kg .i have put on 13kg in a year.
Im getting very confused now on what is the right way for me to go. Hepatologist last November did not tell me anything else other than all things in moderation.. i am going to request a fibroscan and referral to nutritionist when i next see my hep dr at QEHB
Hi Linda
I've been traveling so just got back. It is hard once you get to cirrhosis. The think to understand is that fatty liver is one thing that can lead to cirrhosis as it stresses the cells and can cause inflammation. In that situation cirrhosis is just the outcome of the fatty processes and it is not really a different problem just further along. Research indicates that obese people need to lose at least 7% of there body weight in order for the fat stores in the liver to be affected in any significant way. There is not really a magic number it is just that in studies they have identified that as a general statement. So an increasing fat load will make your cirrhosis worse as a general statement. The question of weight gain is what was it? Could be fat, muscles, water, or a combination so the scales are important in the context of what is really going on. A Fibroscan can help you understand where your liver is regarding fat. Good luck
Hi wayne,
Hope you enjoyed your travelling.
I had a fibroscan done last February at the QEHB, my reading number was 27 and well in the red zone area.that is when my hepatologist told me i had f4 end stage fibrosis. I have been on you tube and found there is a difference beteeen NAFLD and alcoholic liver disease where fatty liver has been diagnosed.
I am not overweight, but i feel i need to lose half a stone at least.
My diet is the main worry, i have an appointment in may anyway for ultrasound and usual bloods etc... so i will ask for another fibroscan to see if it has progressed. Many thanks for your reply! Nice to have you back
Regards linda
Hi Linda
27 is well into the cirrhosis range. My highest was 21.5. For whatever encouragement it is, after 3 years of strict dietary control my latest test was 9.5 which is an F3. I'm sure you probably have this link but in case others in the forum don't this is what we did to manage our diet so might be of some help. I lost a bit over 20% of my weight in the process.
I hope your coming test is an improvement.
Hi Wayne;
Wow! So you managed to bring that right down then .thats amazing!
Yes my hepatologist told me it was high , that was feb 2017 , so obviously being told in November 17 my liver was now fatty it has been a worry.
Many thanks for the link; i will be reading that now.
Kind regards. Linda
If you would like a bit more background, here is a link to a blog post that has a chart of my Fibroscan reading from diagnosis to this past January.
That is simple amazing u reversed f4 stage to f3 not many have such experiences . that is indeed inspiring . in my opinion its everything in ur head if u think u can do itit eventually, u will end up doing it. it just needs some sacrifices that worth sacrificing.
Thanks, my view is that it is fundamentally biochemistry and not so much belief. The liver is built to repair itself but it has to have the right material coming in and things that are harmful minimized so the key is to practice good habits every day. Easy to say I know but it is mostly choices in the end.
What diet where you on pls