Hello, I’ve a really good message for everyone dealing with fatty liver and elevated enzymes. My liver enzymes ALT , AST went up more than 2 years ago. I tried to limit my alcohol intake (1 glass of wine a week) and limit intake of sugar and fat. But the enzymes kept being either the same level or slightly increasing. I got scared. And then I did one of best decision of my life. I excluded three things from my life entirely: ALCOHOL, WHITE SUGAR and SATURATED FATS. I followed this diet for almost two years. Though it’s not a diet for me any more it’s more of a life style I’m intended on keeping for the rest of my life. During this two year period I got antibiotics twice for repeating lyme diseases (once for 10 days in October 2021 and second time 3 weeks this June). But despite the antibiotics intake my liver enzymes got down. I had bloodwork done this week and all liver enzymes are within the limits (no red figures any more). All it took was to stop drinking alcohol (entirely!) and eating sugar and butter. On the top of this I have my all cholesterols within limit which is basically the pleasant side effect. I’m 54 and most of my friends are dealing with cholesterol increases right now yet I’m not😉 so I’m crossing fingers for all of you who want to reverse your poor liver health. I’m the proof it’s possible!
HOPE FOR EVERYONE: Hello, I’ve a really... - Living with Fatty...

I am 65 living with fibrosis, I live in low carb diet, no sugar,no liquor, no potato,pasta,rice, sugar. I eat chicken, lots of eggs fixed different ways, I try to stay below 50 net carbs, 80 gr fat 134gr protien, 1750 calories. It has helped me reverse my fatty liver and lessen my fibrosis. Its difficult but everything is if its for the good of your body & your life. Also do some exercise walk ride a bike some!! Have a great day !!!

Congratulations Monicka, that is the formula. No alcohol, limit simple carbs, more unsaturated fats. Thanks for telling your story.
Thank you for sharing I'm so happy for you. Would you mind giving us a sample of what you eat in a typical day?
My diet is pretty stable every day:
A big bowl of fresh vegetables (all sorts, no dressing, no oil… )
A bowl of boiled legumes (beans, lentils, chicpeas… about 240g) with a teaspoon of fish oil and a speck of salt
A cup of fermentized milk or yogurt
Fruits (equal to 3 apples)
Bread or roll (either plain or with non fat curd or half avocado)
Big cafe latte (my only treat of the day)
Evening (it’s when I eat the most):
One big meal (carbo+meat), carbo=rice or boiled potatoes or buckwheat or millet or similar, meat=any sort of meat or fish
Oatmeal with nuts or cacao and honey
If I’m still hungry then:
Bananas, nuts, bread plain or with virgin oil or nonfat cheese.
I don’t eat anything at all which includes white sugar in it, no fried stuff at all. I eat no junk food, no pizza, occasionaly pasta (once a month). I eat only sandwiches I prepare at home. I’m a runner (I ran about 150-200km a month) so I need a lot of energy which I mostly get from carbo: brown rice, milllet, buckwheat, oatmeal, bread (both white and brown) and meat+oil. On the days with hard training (over 30 km a day) I allow myself a chocolate bar or even coca cola during a maraton race😉 but that’s not often, once a month at most.
If I want something to spoil myself I buy a fancy bun or roll (with olive, nuts… ) or shred nuts and mix it with honey.
That is great news, Monicka. Thank you for sharing.