Slim with elevated liver enzymes. How... - Living with Fatty...

Living with Fatty Liver and NASH

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Slim with elevated liver enzymes. How to maintain or increase the weight?

Monicka profile image
18 Replies

Hi! I’m not a typical member here. I’m slim almost skinny, 160cm, 48kg, BMI 18,7. I was never fat before. When I was diagnosed in late 2020 I decided I have to gain some weight. I was feeling good, but I was underweight and it was bad for my immunity. At the time I had 47kg, BMI 18,3. I managed to gain 1kg since! The problem is that with healthy diet you cant possibly gain weight. Most people here adopt a new lifestyle and start loosing weight which is good for them. For me it’s different, I cant afford to loose weight. But with no sugar and limited fat it’s really hard. These days I spend most of my day eating eating eating (and cooking of course). I know that if I start eating sugar and hearty fatty meals back again I would gain weight quickly but I can’t and don’t want to do this as the effect on my liver is bad. I don’t drink or eat any drugs. The elevated enzymes must be due to eating a lot of sugar and fatty food in the past. So obviously I don’t want to revert to that. Is there anyone with the same struggle?

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Monicka profile image
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18 Replies
gillianTS profile image

It is not necessarily a weight problem many people have altered liver enzymes. Trying to alter what you eat is a good starter and not reducing your food intake might help, you might even try increasing particular food groups. Also look at what you do every day is there something that you do physically that is strenuous. Did you have normal enzymes previously, have you had an illness, do you take supplements.

You could try lots of vegetables like spinach, kale, lettuce, etc. Which are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals and are believed to be helpful in bringing enzyme levels to normal. Also known to inhibit the accumulation of fat in liver.

Foods high in fiber like oats, beans, brown rice, etc. ease digestion. They also increase the bile secretion and therefore improve the fat digestion process.

Cruciferous vegetables such as Cauliflower, Broccoli and many others neutralizes the harmful toxins in liver.

Consuming olive oil can help in bringing down the enzyme level in liver. It reduces the accumulation of fat in liver.

Nuts help, a diet rich in Omega- 3 fatty acids is recommended to lower down the level of liver enzymes. As do cranberries and blueberries. Green tea.

Avoid alcohol, salty and fried food and drink Plenty of water to make sure your body is always hydrated.

injury to organs other than the liver, such as the heart and skeletal muscle, can cause elevations of ALT. For example, small increases may be seen with skeletal muscle damage or heart attacks.

Mild to moderate AST increases may be seen with vigorous exercise and skeletal muscle injury.

It can take months to get enzymes back to within range, having yours monitored every 3 to 4 months is something that would be expected, however if after testing for liver conditions this might get put to annual testing.

Ihavebigfeet profile image

I’m normal weight and have been on the slender size my whole life no mater what I ate. I’m having the same experience of constantly eating just to make my required 2400 calories. It feels very intimidating at times

Monicka profile image
Monicka in reply to Ihavebigfeet

Hi! Thanks for your answer! I really appreciate to hear from someone going through the same or similar. May I ask if you have any liver issue too? I have elevated AST, ALT for almost 5 months now. My doctor thinks its nothing but I feel differently. My eating habits were terrible in the past, like was able to eat a whole cake instead of breakfast :-( so I think my liver started rebelling finally.

Ihavebigfeet profile image
Ihavebigfeet in reply to Monicka

I have hemochromatosis and cirrhosis. I had elevated enzymes for the last 6 years that the family said wasn’t a big deal we will keep an eye on it, never once was my ferritin levels checked . I finally insisted on an appointment with Gastroenterology and found my answers

in reply to Ihavebigfeet

Hello: Are you double C282Y?

Ihavebigfeet profile image
Ihavebigfeet in reply to

I only have one gene

in reply to Ihavebigfeet

I thought you had to two copies of the gene to have hemochromatosis. That is what it says on NhS? Or are you saying you have two copies of the one gene? Which gene do you have? I am about to be tested as my dad is a carrier

Ihavebigfeet profile image
Ihavebigfeet in reply to

Dr said it’s not typical but still labeling me as positive due to my iron retention

in reply to Ihavebigfeet

Ah got it. Do you know which gene you have? Were your liver enzymes really high before diagnosis

Ihavebigfeet profile image
Ihavebigfeet in reply to

My enzymes were only slightly elevated for years, my doctors were never concerned. Last ast was 41 and alt was 66

in reply to Ihavebigfeet

Wow! And you have cirrhosis? With numbers that close to normal? How were you diagnosed with cirrhosis

Ihavebigfeet profile image
Ihavebigfeet in reply to

I had a fibroscan and biopsy this spring

isi123 profile image
isi123 in reply to

Hello helli14 I have fibrosis f2 and my alt was always between 40 and 80, now is 42.

isi123 profile image
isi123 in reply to Ihavebigfeet

I only have one gene and iron overload. With liver damage because my doctor didn't care for it for several years.

MLB_77 profile image

Same. I’ve never had an issue with weight. I try to add nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews, peanuts .. all unsalted) to what ever I am eating.

Quinoa is a good carb. I prefer it cold so I usually have some made up in my refrigerator then just make a lot of “bowls” out of it

Lots of almond butter


Whole wheat English muffin

Bananas are a high carb fruit, just try to eat with a protein (nut butter) to keep blood sugar regulated, plus will keep you fuller longer)

Just to name a few ways

in reply to MLB_77

How long have your ALT/AST been elevated without being overweight

Ihavebigfeet profile image
Ihavebigfeet in reply to

Mine were elevated for years and I was told don’t worry we will continue to monitor. Now 6 months after cirrhosis diagnosis and sweeping diet change my numbers are in the high normal range

in reply to Ihavebigfeet

Wow! How many years were they elevated and how high, had you ever had a fibroscan to look for fibrosis etc before the diagnosis of cirrhosis

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