Are the sugars in blu berries and apples ok for liver diet? I have type 2 diabetes and was 5old these fru8ts are fine. Have been told to avoid others like watermelon.
Diet question : Are the sugars in blu... - Living with Fatty...
Diet question

I can tell you I eat an apple every day for lunch, and during season (in Maine) I eat a lot of blueberries - and have lost considerable weight while focusing on them in my diet. However apples in particular have a fairly high sugar content, I do not really eat sweets otherwise. I have a fairly high fasting blood glucose, though my A1c is within normal range. I have discussed with my doctor and he is not in favor of “pulling the trigger” on metformin just and thinks there are other things to look at. I am not planning to stop the apples or berries either.

That is generally the approach we take. I personally prefer blueberries
I eat several fruits and am a type 2 diabetic as well. I eat all the berries, apples, oranges, grapefruit , grapes, bananas. I feel Like the benefits outweigh the risks. My A1C is 6.0 The book I go by says to eat whole food, plant based and I do that plus I do eat some lean chicken and fish. I also take Milk Thistle every day. Milk Thistle is a gentle , yet powerful detoxifying HERB that strengthens both the liver and the immune system .You want to flush out toxins like bromide, fluoride, and chlorine in the body.
I have fibrosis 2-3 & type 2 and my dr. Says I can eat any kind of berry, blue,black,ras, or strawberries whicj I eat alot but apple is too sweet for me!!
I am a registered dietitian with stage 2, no diabetes, overweight but not obese, cholesterol of 250. You should eat all fruits and vegetables. They have fiber and antioxidants which are good for you for many reasons. There is nothing that grows out of the ground that is not good for you!