Having issues trying to figure out what I can eat such as Dave’s killer bread. I see sweets of any kind are off the table . Any advice greatly appreciated.
Newly diagnosed enlarged fatty liver - Living with Fatty...
Newly diagnosed enlarged fatty liver

This is a question that is more suited for someone familiar with your case but here is what I have been doing. Minimizing all bread and rice. Replacing with leafy greens. More salads and veggies. Almost no more red meat for me. Eating fish and chicken mostly when I eat meats. Very little sugar for me. Got used to a daily coffee without cream and/or sugar. A lot of fiber when I can. Oatmeal is a new one for me. Eating lots of nuts like almonds and walnuts. No more fried food. Eggs every now and then. Getting used to oat milk. No more sugary drinks and lots of water and unsweetened tea.
I hear berries, avocados, mangoes and papayas are great.
I added vitamin E, fish oil, turmeric and folic acid supplements. Not sure if any are scientifically proven to be helpful.
There is a link to a diet I believe that many people here share. I am sure someone will share it soon.
I must also add that I am exercising moderately on a daily basis with 2 of the days being a little more than just moderately.
Good luck!
Are you diabetic also? I am pre, went to a nutritionist and follow this. I watch my carbs but still have enough, nothing white, whole wheat, I buy pasta from Zenb (online) made with chickpeas only or whole wheat in stores, watch salt intake, no artificial sweetners but Stevia, no added sugars (read labels), no soda, no fruit juices, drink water, coffee, fruit flavored unsweetened waters, use olive oils, vinegars, brown rice, white cheeses, fat free or low fat dairy (even chocolate milk), pork, chicken, fish, turkey, low salt sliced chicken or turkey from deli occasionally, lean beef occasionally, sweet potato occasionally. I treat myself occasionally, but even then I watch what that is. I don't feel deprived if my sweet tooth acts up I eat grapes. Oh, and I have yogart with stevia and protein drinks my heart doctor wanted me to get more protein. Talk to your doctor about vitamins before taking any, especially vitamin E, C and iron. There are crackers you can have just read the label, goes with your cheese!, just have 1 serving. Lose weight, reduce fat, eat the right fats, reduce salt, watch fake sugars, no added sugars and exercise if you are older work on muscles and balance...don't lose too fast or you might lose muscle (I did). Good luck hope this helps. On diabetic diet there are lots of free foods. I have lost 75 pounds total but 40 since diagnosis and my liver enzymes and other numbers are normal or almost there. It's going to be a life change but go day by day, if you screw up don't beat yourself just get back on the horse.
Thank you so much for the information . I’m on metformin pre diabetic and at the age of 32 I’ve been on thyroid medication. I gave up Diet Coke which I loved but am finding it hard to find something I like to replace it. I really like mio drink flavoring but it’s not made with stevia. I’ve never drank alcohol ever but if liver issues run in your family it’s seems it genetic. My mother has it I’m sure my sister does and my brother passed away at 50 with cirrhosis. I don’t have an appointment with a gastroenterologist until September because they are so booked. I’m trying to learn what I can and cannot eat. I’m almost of eating anything!
I understand, I thought drinking diet anything was better as it turns out, it's worse. I was told by my gastroligist assistant that if I absolutely had to have sweetener to have sugar and not most fake sweetners. Pops/sodas are the worst unfortunately, I loved coke too, there isn't anything like it. Nobody, that I know of in my family, had liver disease. Even my brother who is an alcoholic, has any problems but he did eat better and got more exercise than I did so that might be the difference. If possible get a referral to a Hepatologist and a nutritionist. Usually insurance will cover a nutritionist for diabetics. Good luck.