I finally did the biopsy last Thursday, I am very anxious waiting for the results, I have been with slight pain on the right side, today I feel better, before I had a fibroscan with mild fibrosis (7.30 kpa). For those who have had a biopsy, has it coincided with the results of the Fibroscan?
Waiting results of liver biopsy - Living with Fatty...
Waiting results of liver biopsy
I've had three biopsys and multiple scans and for me they tracked pretty well. The thing about FibroScan is that it does need an experienced operator and we have seen issues with repeatability so like all tests it does have an error range and needs to be interpreted in the context of all your other tests. That is your docs job, yours is to try to relax a little.
Thank you for answering me.
I agree with nash2, my fibro scan ran along but then a year later I had contradiction in some later fibro scans after was told had cirrhosis. So now am working each year. Carry liver and some fibrosis has left me. So feel like I am successfully working to improve my damage with my cautious fatty liver,fibrosis & cirrhosis.
Best of luck, let us know the outcome!
Hi, you and I both! Had mine last Monday and I asked same question. No results for me as yet. I had the biopsy for two reasons. My new doctor doesn't do the fibroscan. With the differences in test results that I have had he would have done a biopsy and I want to know how much scaring and how old it is. According to him that determines treatment. I also had tge LIVERTESt through this foundation. So there is another difference; that result was F2, no activity and mild steatosis. Fibronostics, that do the test have asked me to send biopsy results so they can compare to their results, did them just days apart. Good luck, let me know your results!
Not knowing the results is the most difficult part, my GI told me that the biopsy is important to rule out any autoimmune disease and to be able to know the treatment or the steps to follow, in my case due to persistent elevation of liver enzymes.
I see I wanted to ask why biopsy with your pretty low fibroscan result. But as you mentioned some other factors are present. Good luck, biopsy along with all other blood tests, imaging tests, fibroscan is the golden standard for staging fibrosis fibrosis (and not only it can provide more other information like inflammation etc.).
Heard anything yet from the biopsy? My report came across portal but no call from doctor to explain it!
What did report say? Hope it was good news.
Checklist: Liver, SteatohepatitisPart(s) Involved: A: Liver, needle biopsy
Size of biopsy (Centimeters): 2.2
Number of portal tracts: 17
Fragmentation of biopsy specimen: No
A. Macrovesicular steatosis: 1, Mild: up to 33%
B. Hepato cellular ballooning (HB) and disarray: 1, Mild: <2 foci of zone 3
C. Intra-acinar (lobular) inflammation: 1, 1 to 2 foci per 20x objective
D. Portal tract inflammation: 1, Mild
Steatohepatitis necroinflammatory grade: Grade 1
Stage of fibrosis: Stage 1: Zone 3 perivenular peri-sinusoidal/peri-cellular
fibrosis, focal or extensive.
Not sure what this means, part of the report but what seemed most important. No call from doctor yet to explain.
That sounds pretty mild, right? Hoping it's good news for you!
Heard anything yet? I got a two sentence update from doctor. I have inflammation, no cirrhosis was seen setup an appointment in 3 to 4 weeks at the clinic. That's it.
Hopefully you'll get plenty of answers at that appointment. Do you go in with a list of questions?
Yes, they said normally people have not researched nor have many questins but that couldn't be said about me lol.
My fibroscans are usually better than my biopsies. I show stage 4 in the biopsy and 2/3 stage on the scans. I think they believe the biopsy.
i was total opposite, fibroscan f4 and gastro was going to go with that. I went to hepotoligist, he did biopsy; no cirrhosis, grade 1 fibrosis and mild fatty liver and liver not enlarged anymore. So strange..gastro was having me come back every 6 months for test for cancer but now only yearly with hepotoligist. I get bood work with primary every 3 months. Scary disease.