62 yr old woman, diagnosed between Thanksgiving and Xmas. I was told in March that an ultrasound, for something else, saw some fatty liver . The GI doctor just said lose weight and nothing more.
Over time it started to worry me. I asked my primary care doctor about it. She sent me to the GI who specializes in liver. He wasn't concerned because my liver enzymes looked good.
He scheduled a fibroscan to get a baseline. It said bad fatty liver and some moderate steatosis (?). So he has me do a specialized blood test. Next I know he is sending in a prescription for Rezdiffra. He does not talk to me and does not respond quickly to any messages. He has not replied to my last question more than a week ago.
I'm concerned about Rezdiffra's side effects asking for reassurance that my statin does was low enough and did the fact I have an unconcerning to doctors, gallbladder polyp, would play a factor.
This all may be moot, since last years insurance wanted pre authorization and I am now on straight Medicare with a drug plan I doubt it will be covered. I think I've heard that Medicare doesn't cover it.
So that is where I am now.