I am new diagnosed with Cirrhosis, am told early stages. I was wondering if anyone has any opinions on the OTC Detoxers. I am very new at this, still waiting to get in with a dietician and a Hepatologist for a 2nd opinon. I had an Ultra Sound, the FibroScan but my gastro doctor did not feel a biopsy was necessary since my "Numbers" made him confident I had Cirrhosis. I am just confused, worried and the whole ball of wax. Any comments for me?
OTC Liver Detoxers: I am new diagnosed... - Living with Fatty...
OTC Liver Detoxers

The only thing that detoxers do is wash that dirty money out of your wallet and many are dangerous if you have cirrhosis. Don't do OTC or listen to the pitches on Dr Google. Google has no interest in whether you end up dead.
I would get with a licensed nutritionist first and foremost over detox drinks etc the only thing I’ve been told to take for my (possibly fatty liver) is vit E low sugar to no sugar diet low carbs
I take milk thistle every day; I also cook with lots of garlic. Both are gentle, yet powerful detoxifiers. My F4 fibrosis is now F0. I am told my liver is now perfect, as are my scans and my blood work. I much prefer natural remedies and medicines to big Pharma ones.
Thank you so much, this is helpful!
I also exercise with a group of ladies at my church 3 days a week . I eat low carb and no sugar and only lean meats (fish and chicken), no fried foods, nothing white (no white potatoes, white rice etc). I eat mostly whole food, plant based; lots of veggies and fruits and nuts and berries.
Lemme guess, F4 was never confirmed via biopsy?
No it wasn’t , but I was told I had tremendous hardening and scarring and I can tell you I was sick; throwing up every night; nauseated constantly . My liver was greatly enlarged. My numbers weren’t good either . But I completely changed the way I cooked and ate and have not deterred from it. I began an exercise program; got my weight down and everyone in my church was praying for me.
Great to hear you're doing so much better. Based on your time frame, it's almost certain you were suffering a severe form of hepatitis as opposed to cirrhosis/F4 scarring. Complete resolution of cirrhosis to no fibrosis (let alone in 7 months) has not been reported in any medical journal as far as I can tell, and I sure have looked.
I take the life extension brand. 400 IU's 2x per day.
A general reply here. Everyone wants to talk about their personal results, and maybe me, too. F3 to F0 via the magic of actually doing what the liver specialist said to do.
All the other stuff is waving hands in the air. LOSE WEIGHT. 80% of weight loss is diet, 20% exercise, and that comes from the specialist the VA sent me to. Not imagination. So stop with the groping around for magic pills and do the discipline. Lose 10% of body weight in 6-9 months. Even for cirrhosis, I can't see any reasonable alternative.
Cirrhosis or Fibrosis. There is no formal transition point. The Fibroscan measures one vs the other and the difference in stiffness measured may be on a threshold. The overall point is that if you are not a drinker, there isn't any other maneuver to be pursued. Lose weight. Follow the liver diet your doc gives you. And listen to him closely. 99% of his patients don't do what they are told to do. He doesn't expect you to, either. So listen closely. He won't put huge effort into emphasis.
I had a FibroScan on 11/09/22. Numbers were 14.9 and 316. Followed Dr's advice exactly. No sugar, sodium or fats except EVOO. Chicken and turkey breast, salmon, cod,fruits and veggies. Vitamin E. Lost 18% of body weight. 5/27/23 another FibroScan numbers were 5.4 and 251. Everyone I knew and several churches were all praying for me.