what can I do about the nafld - Living with Fatty...

Living with Fatty Liver and NASH

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what can I do about the nafld

xiantaner profile image
8 Replies

I am a middle-aged man with a height of 175 and 46 years old. My weight is about 85 kg. My triglycerides are very high, about 7 times higher than the standard, and I have severe fatty liver. I usually take metformin and Voglibose Tablets and Fenofibrate Capsule 、sursodeoxycholic acid tablets, I also exercise, but my fatty liver can't be reduced, is there any other medicines I can take?

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xiantaner profile image
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8 Replies
Livmar profile image

Hi and welcome. You don’t give out a lot of information other than you have severe fatty liver and you can’t reduce it.

If all you have is fatty liver and let’s hope that is the case, you are well ahead of most of us and have plenty of time to not let it progress and reduce it back to normal levels.

What tests have you had that determined that you have severe fatty liver?

I can tell you that a regular ultrasound is useless. It will just tell you that you have fatty liver and keep telling you that until you develop cirrhosis.

You need an ultrasound with Elastography, Fibroscan, MRI or MRE to get a much better picture of the true state of your liver.

Your weight is where I was at a year and half ago. I lost 30 lbs or over 15% of my body weight.

You can do it also but you need to embark on a healthy diet such as the Mediterranean diet, using extra virgin olive oil, stop eating processed foods and absolutely no alcohol.

It is good that you are exercising. Keep it up. Once you have a valid test and if you have liver issues, see a good hepatologist.

Are you taking any cholesterol medication now ? Have you gotten all the blood work needed such as CBC with platelets, Hepatic panel, complete Metabolic panel, Lipid panel , vitamin D, B12 and GGT?

You have to be your own advocate and not trust particularly PCP’s. If in fact you only have fatty liver, thank God and now is the time to take control. I wish I knew all this before so many opportunities were missed by my PCP. Stop looking to add more medications and instead look to reduce them by embarking on a healthier lifestyle. Trust me, you don’t want to let it progress!

Best wishes 🙏.

xiantaner profile image
xiantaner in reply to Livmar

thank you for your reply,acturally ,I have the fibro scan many times. As I lost weight, my metrics improved, but my weight rebounded from 75kg to 85kg . As for my liver function indicators are basically normal, my vitamin D indicators are half of normal, so I ate vitamin D for a long time, but I feel that after eating vitamin D and vitamin E, my stomach is upset, and fatty liver has not improved significantly, I usually eat vitamin B12, in addition, I do not drink

DCguy2023 profile image
DCguy2023 in reply to xiantaner

You need to log and keep track of everything you eat, each day. Your triglycerides are high because at the end of the day you consumed more than was needed for the day. First, help your liver out by not consuming more protein than you need for your age, gender and activity level. Second, eat a low carb diet but ALWAYS get enough dietary fiber. This means to get your fiber primarily from vegetables.

If you only have fatty liver you are in an enviable position and you can avoid advanced liver disease by reducing your BMI to 25 and avoiding toxic substances in your diet and environment.

You can do it. We’re in your corner. :)

Livmar profile image
Livmar in reply to xiantaner

As the others here have said, you can do it with lifestyle modifications. I know all the garbage food is addicting, that’s why they do it. It is hard but it is also great that you are reaching out for help now.

I unfortunately put my faith, trust and literally my life in the medical community and it failed me over and over. Something could have been done way before I progressed to cirrhosis.

Ask questions here and kudos to you for reaching out. Read what the others have said. There is nothing for us now except lifestyle modification until a new drug comes out hopefully next year. Don’t ever pin your hopes on drugs. You can do it on your own. This is a wonderful community with smart people. You will learn here far more than the 15 minutes doctors give you before they rush you out of their offices. Take the bull by the horns. Best of health!

xiantaner profile image
xiantaner in reply to Livmar

thank you for your reply and your advises

Exploration profile image

Hi, I was diagnosed with NASH, cirrhosis and given approximately 2 years to live. I have beat those odds. I also had diabetes but had stopped taking metformin. There are no medications but there is a Very Promising Clinical Trial going on here in the States. I know people on it and it is reversing the level of cirrhosis and fibrosis.How I beat those odds was through a Drastic change in diet and my eating schedule. I went Extreme since I had a death sentence over my head. It isn't easy but it worked for me. I did a lot of research and analysis and following my instincts instead of the health systems advice.

Bottom line, I drank a minimum of 3 cups of black caffeinated coffee per day, nothing in it. I started my meals at 11am and it was 66 grams of ground up flaxseed in a half of a cup of tea. Must not be hot since anything over 120 degrees will kill off all the nutrients, so like warm at best. The flaxseed must be ground immediately before use, oxygen also degraded the nutrients.

I waited an hour before eating anything else.

Then I would eat a hard boiled egg or two if I was hungry. I would have my fourth cup of coffee with whole milk and take vitamin E. The fat in the milk allowed the vitamin E to be absorbed into my system.

Then I later for dinner I would eat butter lettuce ( no other greens since I wanted to avoid having any iron intake) with fresh lemon as a dressing and sardines in water. I would stop eating by 5pm. I would also drink plain water throughout the day.

My body went through drastic changes. I lost a lot of weight. I reduced my glucose levels to normal. My liver blood tests appeared normal and if you didn't know I had NASH cirrhosis you couldn't tell from the blood tests.

I stopped the progression of my liver disease. I helped a friend with fatty liver by telling him about the diet and he no longer has a fatty liver.

I did this diet for 8 months before I started adding certain foods. Everything must be organic, good water, nothing processed, do not completely eliminate fat, eliminate carbs except those contained within vegetables.

This is Not easy to do, everyone around me who witnessed it said they wouldn't do it even to stay alive.

It has been over 2 years and my cirrhosis did not progress and I did not die. I am waiting for the medication to go through the clinical trial and the FDA process. My brother is on the trial and the medication is working for him.

I hope this helps you. If you want more specific information please contact me. Live a long life.

Herman7275 profile image

Not sure of medicines, but cut back on triglycerides, cut back on carbohydrates, exercise, get an ultrasound fibroscan, a fatty liver can be reversed or quite a bit lessened. I have been on low carb diet since 2019, I have reversed my fatty liver & considerable amount of my fibrosis.

Trumindsoul profile image

Hello, how are your kidney readings? i have been taking fenofibrate for high triglycerides for 7 years providing great results but creatinine went up. eGFR went down to 60s. i am going to be stopping it for few months and retest my kidney tests.

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