Waiting on my scan results I got a full abdominal complete US done. I’m so worried anxious and losing my mind. Please pray for me
Waiting on results : Waiting on my scan... - Living with Fatty...
Waiting on results

I understand, glad you did it I'm terrified. Good luck and prayers 🙏
Praying that results will come back ok, and you hear back soon!
I understand. I had a Fibroscan on 10/08 and won’t get results until 11/15. I already have anxiety and this just made it worse. Prayers for good results for us both.
Prayers! I don’t know why it would take them so long to get them to you .
They have the results. They just won't give them to me until my appt. They uploaded my US results, but not the Fibroscan results.
That’s frustrating. They got my results read they just didn’t get them to my Primary care dr yet so they didn’t want to give them to me till he got them :/
That is just awful I work in the medical field and I understand that they just want to discuss the results in front of you whether they're bad or good sometimes it's a copay thing honestly the money and it's scary I understand best of luck to you I still have to do with my fibro scan I'm scared to death
What were your symptoms?
Just abnormal liver enzymes stomach aches heart burn
Please let me know what they come ip with.
Hopefully I’ll know by tomorrow I’m hoping for good or at least non terminal news
Did you see your numbers on the screen?
Still 0 results in today guess I’ll wait till tomorrow hope to get them soon
It's sending prayers that it's gonna be OK hang in there
Praying everything is going to be OK hang in there I know the stress level and the fear and the fear I still have to do mine my fibro scan
Update: I got called that they are in the nurse went over my scan results and said everything looks normal. So I’m happy about that but still confused as to what is going on. I want to take a break from tests as they make me too anxious I deal with anxiety and this made me physically sick!