I am new been diagnosed with stage 4 chirrosis, does leg pain and back pain come along with it? Can't get many answers from Drs these days in my opinion. Maybe I am not asking the right questions. I am so confused to why and how it gets so bad before they find it when you complain things are wrong. My enzymes is still normal can someone explain why and how your liver could be so bad with normal enzymes?
Whtecattate: I am new been diagnosed... - Living with Fatty...

It is pretty common. High enzymes are caused by a lot of liver cells dying but if the disease is a slow motion problem the damage accumulates over time without raising the enzyme levels very high. It is the standard guidance for doctors not to screen for liver disease if there are no symptoms so the first many of us learn of it is being told we have cirrhosis. We believe that policy is wrong and we are working to get medicine to change that policy.
Like Nash2 stated it is common for enzyme numbers to be normal or only slightly elevated and to still be diagnosed with cirrhosis. Crazy I know. My numbers have even gotten better but other tests confirmed stage 4. In addition, I recently found out that liver issues were noticed almost a year ago during a lung CT but it was never told to me. A year of not knowing. I cant help but be frustrated over what impact that year could have had in my current and future prognosis.
Renn20, same happened to me. Showed up 3 years ago, with doc noting on results that she is "satisfied" with my results. 5 years ago, ultrasound showed "fatty liver" , tech says take some milk thistle......dic said nothing then too. Found myself a new doc....also thinking how much damage could have been avoided in 3 years.......
Well everyone has answered your enzymes question I think 🤔.
Pain.. most if not all liver problems give you varying pains at times, but not all are connected to your liver. I occasionally get back pain, but this is from age related normal degeneration of the spine in my case. I think you should ask your GP for a straight answer ... is your back and leg pain cased from your liver disease or not. If he/she is not able to give you a satisfactory response, ask for a second opinion referral.
Best wishes 🤞🏼.
Thank you, I am now just starting my ride with this, they have taken me off my arthritis meds and it is horrible. But when I return I will ask. I wanted them to send me to a Dr that specializes in arthritis so maybe they could give me a shot instead. They just want to send me for knee replacements and as of right now I am not wanting to go thru that surgery. I dont feel I am strong enough to do it. I wasn't so sure if it is the liver or arthritis causing it that is why I was asking if other people was having the pain in legs.
Whitecattate, I too am in stage 4. I had both hips replaced and back surgery 4 years ago which I believe took a toll on me and put me in stage 4 from all the meds. ( should of taken meds that did not go through the liver.) I was stable with my nash at the time) I ended up in the emergency room twice with heart like symptoms. I now know the liver rules your whole body. If you treat your liver bad, it rebels. I have been doing fine until about a year ago, I started getting leg craps and it was attacking my calf's, the only thing that was holding me up that still had a lot of muscle. I just thought it was nerves. I have since found out in stage 4 you start losing muscle mass and now I know why my arms are even weaker and I can't carry things. I have started to go to stretch zone which stretches my muscles because they are so tight and I am starting palaties classes on a reformer. I can modify things and do at my own pace, but I'm not giving up. I'm also taking physical therapy and all has helped. I can't go up and down steps without pulling myself up and down and I get out of breath because of the swollen liver pushing on the lungs. I'm not giving up even though earlier this week I filled up with water and gained 8 pounds when I was suppose to be losing. This happens when I have what I call crashing spells and the liver says I'm not working today, good luck getting things done because now you will be exhausted. but usually 24 to 48 hours I'm back to normal, but it is happening more often now. I put a smile on my face, be positive and keep on going and it has helped me make it 18 years with the worst liver a doctor had ever seen when he opened me up. Just don't ever get negative
Thank you for your input on my question, it is new to me and I read articles but don't seem to understand it all. It has hit me all at once and this site sure helps alot!
Thanks everyone for your replys it really helps to have this site!
Hi there, I was also taken off my arthiritus meds. Some days are better than others. I have had leg pains yes since being diagnosed. On and off of RA meds. Heav and tired feeling legs with cramps. Swollen ankles. But a different type if pain from the RA pain.