So I would like to know how many of you guys experience pain with this condition and what exactly it feels like and where the pain is felt. Every individual that I know in person who has FLD has told me that they never experienced any pain. I'm asking because I have been diagnosed and I am still experiencing pain so I'm just curious how many of you guys experience pain. This pain could possibly be from other digestive issues that I have but pain causes me stress so that's why I ask. Thanks
Pain...: So I would like to know how... - Living with Fatty...

I can't help you either, I was diagnosed 2018 and havn't had much pain which sometimes makes me wonder what its doing secretly 🤔???
I would say its more of a discomfort for me, its constantly there in my RUQ, sometimes the discomfort is more noticeable but I would not necessarily call it a pain though, I get the feeling of being tired a lot.
A lot of people may not notice its a symptom to the liver disease as it could be linked to something else like a stomach bug or low Vit D etc.
I thought I was being overdramatic when i get these symptoms now and then as my consultant said more than likely you wont get any symptoms until the disease gets worse, I feel symptoms and I only have NASH F-1a
I would say its normal though everyone reacts differently to things, if the pain gets worse though, or its troubling you I would perhaps speak with your doctor in case there is some advice on something you can take naturally or medically to help!
My husband had a burning pain from his fatty liver which was due to alcohol. He stopped drinking and it took more than 6 months for the pain to go away. He occasionally still feels it a little
I do have pain but was told it’s more likly to be unrelated since the liver has no pain receptors. Mine feels like a fullness or pressure in my RUQ, like something is pushing against my ribs. It is theoretically possible for it to be pain from the liver if it is enlarged and pressing against something else. My GI told me to get acupuncture and try not to worry about it.
I have no pain and never had due to my liver. Once I started losing fat however, around my ribs I started having discomfort. No test were run but my primary sent me to physical therapy to strengthen my stomach muscles, that pain has since gone. Occasionally, the ribs hurt if I sit too much. I have never had itching as some do. I do have super dry skin and go through a ton of lotion.
Mine feels like my ribs hurt.... like I can press on my ribcage and sense pain. It seems to move around alot too. It may hurt around my side today and then up front tomorrow. It's always on my ribcage though.
I found out I had cirrhosis as a result of pain on my left side near my stomach/ spleen area. I had a CT and discovered an enlarged spleen. I have had this slight pain now for over two years.
It seems to get swollen or inflamed especially after eating or if I have not had a bowel movement. I suspect it’s my spleen pressing against stomach/large intestine.
I will be getting TIPS procedure next month so I am hoping the spleen volume goes down and this pain finally goes away.
Each one of us suffers from different pain points and things as a result of this beast which is cirrhosis.
Did the enlarged spleen affect your platelets?
Around the time I was diagnosed I had upper quadrant discomfort. It felt almost like something was gnawing on my rib cage. It didn’t go away for a long time and comes back now and again when I don’t eat correctly. I also had diverticulitis attacks before my diagnosis and believe my digestion was challenged because my liver was so sick. That was quite painful! And went away well before my upper quadrant pain (right side). Hope you find out what’s causing the problem. I know the trouble I had came about from my liver issue.
I had pain under my right rib cage a full ache that lasted for hours ! After a year of eating right with my occasional ice cream I have little to no pain anymore.
I had no pain when first diagnosed, but I get discomfort and stabbing pain under my right ribcage. Especially if I have eaten the wrong thing, like sugars. As long as I eat healthy and keep stress out of my life it's pretty good. There are days the liver swells and that is the discomfort pushing on the ribs. I am in Stage 4 Cirrhosis and have lived with it that I know of for 22 years. If you treat your liver badly it will rebel. If it doesn't like something it tells you. You really have to watch the acid reflex as well, Rest and keep stress out of your life as much as possible. The liver does not like stress put on it when it is not functioning properly. If you feel tired or exhausted, it's best to go to bed. The liver functions best at rest.
Don't take medications that go through your liver either. They work just like alcohol does. No sugars. On occasion I will have a little something, I just can't deprive myself of everything. Low carb diet is best, but not keto. Your dr. should help you with a diet plan. Mine did. I was 283 pounds. I now weigh 200 and still going. It is slow, but I'm still alive.
For me, I would not call it pain, but it was pressure in my bottom rib so it was uncomfortable. I say ‘was’ because that has gone away after some years of exercise regimen and diet changes. My labs also look much better now.
Mild, dull ache more so than pain high under my right rib cage. Dr still attributes it to gallbladder sludge but I’m not convinced. Anyway, since totally changing my diet, it’s gone away and it went away quickly, I’d say within a week of changing. But I was extreme. Good luck!
I was diagnosed with NAFLD in April after an ultrasound. I had been experiencing pain and discomfort in my RUQ. I’ve stopped drinking and have lost quite a bit of weight for my size. I still have pain and discomfort in the same area. Reading these replies, I’m thinking it might be linked to my diet. When I’m not as good about my diet, I notice the pain more.
It’s not exactly pain for me - more like an uncomfortable feeling of pressure that makes me think it’s becasue liver has enlarged enough to make me feel pressure. I suppose it could turn in to pain eventually.
Well, I regret to tell but except pain in kidneys occasionally I havn't had any pain, in these last 4 yrs.
I have horrible right flank pain. Since June I have been experiencing gastritis which has caused periodic pain now on the left side. Pain worsens if I consume sugar, artificial sweeteners, fructose, beef, and corn products.
I’ve also developed nail fungus on my left big toe with significant pain. Have tried all topicals and 6 rounds of laser without success. Reinfection occurs.
Yes, always. Right flank below the ribs down near the hip area. It also wraps around the back of those areas. It ALWAYS occurs after drinking ANYTHING including water and while eating. However, I had three MREs since having those pains (started after losing weight in 2019) and no fibrosis has been detected. I read somewhere that the pain doesn’t determine the severity of damage. I am concerned about the gastritis that I have now developed. I’ve never had gas pains or gastritis in 64 years.