Hi My name is Sara. My doctor told me I had fatty liver. I did not do anything about it since my doctor said not a big prob. What should ido
I am concerned after i read everythin... - Living with Fatty...
I am concerned after i read everything here. Need help please?

Hi Peaceful1
Generally, that is a cautionary warning that says be aware but it is not a warning of disease. The thing you would like to know is how much fat there actually is which you can find out about with a Fibroscan test. In any case it is a good reason to adopt a more liver healthy diet. Here is a link that may get you started.
Just to clarify for you. Fatty liver is an early indication but the question for your doctor is does he suspect it may have progressed to NASH. That is when fatty liver becomes a disease process. Your goal should be to minimize fatty liver so that it doesn't become a disease.
You need to watch what you eat especially sweets with high fructose and regular sugar, cut out fried foods, use olive oil it's better. Drink plenty of water, fresh fruit and vegetables and lean meat. Walk or exercise, try to loose weight. My levels are normal now.
Hi Bookie71
My name is Doc I have stage 4 LIVER they r calling NASH. I have had 5 back surgery and on heavy med the last 10 yrs it I took all the meds they prescribed to me I think I would have been died by now.
This is something you must pay attention to...find a good hepatologist...stop drinking if you do..and be very watchful of your blood work results.
I was told the same thing about 7 years ago and I am now awaiting a liver transplant at Mayo Clinic.
Do your research...if it's soon enough you can save your liver with diet and lifestyle. Best of luck to you.
Great info given above. You can also take a look at website: Hepaxa-USA.com for more information on NAFLD and a new product for fatty liver. Best wishes.
Hi JamesDC. Thank you for your answer. Right now I have NASH. STAGE 4 and my Doctor said he will not put me on the LIVER transplant list until I start showing signs of CANCER. Tell me that is not BS or what.
That seems so very harsh. I really do not fully know or understand the criteria by which people are assigned to transplant process/list. I'm not sure that "waiting for cancer" is literally the protocol. I'm sure the criteria and multiple and a bit more sophisticated than that...but the net result is that it seems you are having to wait. It seems very important that you follow all the instructions as closely as possible to extend the health of your liver. As you are such a late stage, many of the tips/advice for people at earlier stages may no longer apply. I encourage you to ask Q and follow advice of the transplant center. My bext wishes and prayers to you. Sincerely.
Thank you Sara for the question you have asked! I am in the same position - my doctor said it was not a worry and I have a high level of fat! Seems like we are going to learn together from the wonderful people in this forum! xo
Go to a liver specialist