I was told on Monday that I have a fatty liver. My doctor is acting like it is not a big deal. I am so tired all the time and after walking 20 minutes I had a pain in my right upper abdomen and diarrhea. I had an ultrasound done but the doctor never checked for inflammation. I just received the results of the hep panel and I do not have hepatitis. Not sure if I should go to another doctor to get more tests or is the diet and exercise enough. And is fatty liver just fatty liver is it a disease?
Just have a fatty liver: I was told on... - Living with Fatty...
Just have a fatty liver

Sorry you aren't feeling too good.
3 years ago I had an ultrasound which they said just had a little fat, anyway after MRI and CT etc I was diagnosed with nafld and extremely fatty liver, this was in May so in November 2016 I had a biopsy which showed Nash with fibrosis
I think you should ask Dr to refer you to a heptologist, you can show him my message!! If I'd just gone off the ultrasound , it would have taken alot longer to diagnose me!! Please take care and let me know how you get on please. Lynne

Thank you Lynn, I appreciate the response. I will talk to my doctor right away.

yes thank you. I was just informed today by text from Primary doctor that my ultra sound indicated a fatty liver.
Also, I have been suffering for 5 years, one consultant said it was muscular!! I finally found a GP at my surgery who has been brilliant, she got the ball rolling. Even a couple of weeks ago, she emailed my consultant directly cos the secretary was having no joy.

Glad to hear you found someone brilliant. I will ask my GP for a referral and see what happens.
If your surgery is anything like ours we have to phone at 8:00 or get round there for 7:50 to get a same day appointment. Take care of yourself Lynne

It is so hard sometimes to get into a doctor. So, hopefully the will see me right away.
Make sure you tell them how rotten you feel

Yes, I will let them know.

Hi Lynn,
How are you doing? I just wanted to let you know that I finally have an appointment with a Hepatologist for October 30th. I will let you know what happens. Hope you are feeling good.
Good, not long to wait. Please let me know how it goes. Lynne

Hi Lynne,
After making a fuss the nurse practitioner at the Hepatologist's office finally agreed to give me a fibroscan. She wanted to wait 3 to 6 months. I go in on the 12th of November. I hope you are doing well.
Thank you. I'm feeling very sickly at the moment.
I'm glad you've got an appointment, not long to wait. Please take care of yourself Lynne

Hi Lynne,
I hope that you are feeling better. I wanted to let you know that I had my fibroscan. I have 386 for the fat on my liver and 4.4 for the scarring portion which means I have no scarring. I still feel horrible. I feel nauseated often.
That is so strange. My doctor acted like it was no big deal too. They only said I need to lose weight and exercise. They didn't say anything about causes or what it can lead to. I had to find that out the hard way. Let me know how your appointment goes because I still need to get a referral for a liver specialist.
It was odd to me, as well. I was reading online that a lot of the doctors are disregarding the seriousness of a fatty liver. There is actually a group now that physicians can be a part of that is raising awareness of the seriousness of the disease. I think this is huge. The ultrasound just isn't enough, in my opinion. We don't want to take any changes with our health. I will let you know what the hepatologist finds our. Let me know also, about yours as well.
I'm glad they are trying to raise awareness. It's interesting because I've never heard of fatty liver before and every single person I talk to has no idea what I'm talking about. But the weirdest thing to me is that I went to see a dietitian yesterday and they said I don't fit the type. She said that I'm not overweight and the fact that I don't drink that much alcohol doesn't really add up. Out of curiosity, do you have acid reflux? Or do you take any type of meds for acid reflux? I find it strange that the only person I know that has it also takes omeprazole and he's not overweight either and rarely drinks alcohol.
I too have NASH and don't follow the pattern of sufferers. Never have been a drinker, my BMI is 26, I exercise, am a non smoker and have always been conscious to eat healthy. My case is completely atypical and it even baffles my gastroenterologist. I did suffer from acid reflux and had been on omeprazole for a few years. I also took statins for high cholesterol. I have stopped all that and am on a Vitamin E supplement of 800 IU daily. I now am on a diet and also take detoxifying teas. I'm not sure which of all this is working but my enzymes have come down some in my Hepatic profile. I go back for another profile and a liver biopsy in January.
omeprazole and acid reflux. I see your post is 2 years old, but I’m wondering if you ever got an answer about the link between omeprazole and fatty liver disease? I have GERD and was on omeprazole for 15 years. It not only caused osteoporosis but I have a NAFL. I read omeprazole is hard on the liver. I also have high cholesterol which causes fatty liver, but I’m sure years of omeprazole didn’t help. In my opinion it’s a dangerous drug. And you aren’t meant to stay on it for years. But doctors let us down by failing to issue any warnings.
I do have acid reflux and I have taken Prenisone but hardly ever. Never even thought about anything damaging my liver except alcohol, before now. I enjoy a glass of wine with dinner but not every night. I have pretty much given that up. I was also exposed to mold in my apartment for about 8 months. I had that tested and there was Penicillium and Cladosporium. I wonder if that might have been a problem. I am about 20 lbs overweight but the last couple of years my eating habits were really bad. The last three weeks I have been on the Mediterranean diet and I lost 7 lbs.
I finally got to see a nurse practioner at Tulane Health System. She was not concerned either. Said that the panel doesn't look like I have scar tissue. She also said that fatty liver does not cause pain. Did not seem to be concerned that I have pain on right side intermittently and pain under left rib constantly. Said it was probably gas. I feel a bit deflated in this response. She also wants to wait 3 months before she give me a fibroscan since the insurance only pays for it once a year. Makes no sense to me. I will lose my insurance in a couple of weeks that I won't know anything. I called to see if I can schedule a fibroscan but it seems to be a huge problem since she wants to get as close to the 3 months as she can. I feel extremely angy.
No wonder you are angry. My consultant td me that my liver us so enlarged that it stretches the capsule around it which causes the pain. Tell them that when you see them!! Please take care of yourselves Lynne
I hope they have given you something for the pain. The NP said that fatty liver doesn't cause any pain. I have pain on both left and right side. She told me it is probably gas. It is unbelievable.
I do have pain meds but I'm still in pain 24/7. I was told the liver doesn't have any nerves in but the capsule around it does, it is this that causes the pain. You might have to push your Dr etc like I've done. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
One really needs to be proactive. In the big scheme of things doctors are somewhat dismissive sometimes. I was diagnosed with NASH in September after routine blood work showed elevated enzymes in my Hepatic profile. I had an ultrasound almost right way after the lab results came in and it showed fatty liver and inflammation. I am now on a very restricted diet and on 800 IU of Vitamin E daily and it seems to have lowered my AST and ALT slightly. My next tests are in January and also a liver biopsy. I have researched the disease and accepted that there is no treatment or cure and altering my eating habits and lifestyle is getting easier. Good luck.
When I spoke to the NP at my hepatologist, she said that if the scarring is 50% or below it can be reversed. That was the first time I heard that. I am thankful that I do not have any scarring especially since I have such a high fat content.
Totally agree with you I had to have a biopsy because I was dismissed with fatty liver just told to lose weight ---a follow up in 3 months however I didnt get an appointment for 2 years ,Biopsy showed Nash stage 2-3 . I was so angry as once you progress to Nash its a lot more serious I also have Alpha liver disease a genetic disease --all a bit of a shock never drank alcohol so didnt expect 2 liver diseases
Go to a liver specialist
Hi I am Ron ,I was told July of 2019 that I had a fatty liver and F-3 fibrosis and some F-4 cirrhosis and should start a strict regiment of a low carb diet of no more than 30 carbs a day and exercise. Since then I have lost 80 lbs. I have not had a single drink of alcohol as I was also told alcohol is like poison to a liver( fatty liver) . I have been under a Liver Dr. care from IU Medical Center in Indianapolis, IN> USA I drink nothing but black coffee and water. I feel better than I have in 35 yrs. and I know I will be on this diet the rest of my life. because I got a fatty liver from being a diabetic my whole life. Give me a shout, not sure I can help you but I know with out help a fatty liver is nothing to not worry about, it can get worse depending on your lifestyle and diet. And I am glad I searched out the DR's that have been helping me, because if I had done nothing I could very well be dead now. So give me a shout ..Take care Ron
ok take care/
I agree with Hidden, I too was diagnosed with fatty liver NASH, fibrosis and some cirrhosis, with low carb diet and exercise I am doing alot better but it can be if not addressed. Please don't take this as a little fat around your liver. it is able to learn about it and it can be manageable. Good Luck