Just diagnosed with NAFLD beginning of August. Liver had a lot of visible fat via ultrasound. Initial finding was in bloodwork, 186 ALT, 126 AST. Started Mediterranean diet and HIIT exercise program. I think i lost too much weight the first month and am terrified. It was hard to eat all the vegetable volume and i was full faster. I went from 335 to 309, 26 pounds in 4 weeks, most of which came in weeks 1 to 3 and then slowed to around 5 lbs. I then started looking on the internet about NFALD and found out that my weight loss was too fast. started eating more and paused workouts. I went to the ER due to right sided abdominal pain (worse in morning than night) ER doctor assured me my liver is ok, ALT of 68 and AST of 35. My primary agreed with the ER doctor but is allowing me to be referred to a GI doctor due to anxiety and irritable bowel syndrome diagnosis in 2013 (after years of suffering). Weight has pretty much stabilized but am concerned that I made the condition worse. Pain is still there, again being worse in morning better as day gose on. GI appointment is at least 2 months out, which i will be pushing for a better test than ultrasound, like MRE (if available) and Fibrescan. Any thoughts or ideas?
Newly diagnosed with NAFLD: Just... - Living with Fatty...
Newly diagnosed with NAFLD

The weight loss was probably a bit fast but not dramatically so given where you started so I wouldn't fret about that. Continuing with the program is the key. That extra weight is probably more damaging for you than the stress resulting from losing quickly. Congrats on that. Blood tests are an imperfect measure but getting them back in line is an important first step. The combination of IBS and liver disease can be hard to sort out so your plan to get a stiffness test is the right strategy. At your size the MRE would be better. If available in your area a Liver Multiscan would also provide valuable information, particularly about the inflammation you have in your liver. Most important, stay on track to lose the weight.
Low carb diet, no sugar and low fat is what has helped me. Approx 2 lbs weight loss per week is recommended. I bought the book “How to naturally reverse fatty liver” by Jonathan Moselle and Susan Peters. Best of luck to you !
I lost weight fast, too, in the first couple of months. When you are morbidly obese (I was) it is typical to lose a lot of weight, fast - from what I have read. I think you are doing the right things, exercising and following the Mediterranean diet. Maybe you could moderately exercise instead of jumping into HIIT. I am not a doctor, so I am only giving you info that I have found. Listen to your doctors closely. Make sure you advocate for yourself. Do research but try not to let the internet searches scare you. I was struggling for a month or so when I did research on the internet. Like I said, do moderate exercising then lead up into HIIT. I can say that sometimes my side hurts from my anxiety, so that could be what you are dealing with. I hope this helps.
I would highly suggest you get to a specialist that will support all the testing that is needed. Primary Care Physicians are often not that knowledgable about NAFLD and NASH. They tend to minimize it for most patients. And not all endocrinologists will seriously address the issue. Keep searching until you feel you have found the right physician to work with you. And just remember, the BEST thing you can do right now while you wait to see the specialist is to keep on track, eating the right way and exercising moderately. That will be the plan to health anyway, but knowing where you really are on the journey is important to help keep you focused to stay on track. For me personally, I had given up on loosing weight based on wanting a better personal appearance. But once I understood the health impact my extra weight was having on my liver and liver disease, I was able to lose 30 lbs. I still have another 40 to go, but now I view healthy food and non-healthy food in a very different way!