Hello there. Introducing myself. My name is Elizabeth and I've several conditions with one being NASH with S1 fibrosis and 90% severe hepatic Steatosis. I also have Hemochromatosis with iron over load and it has caused some iron depositions in the liver as well. Thank you for the add. I look forward to reading more.
Introduction : Hello there. Introducing... - Living with Fatty...
Hi Elizabeth, you are a good news / bad news girl it seems. Being at S1 means you are in a good place to improve, but steatosis that high is a real concern and very much a threat to your health. Unlike many liver problems, hemochromatosis does have a treatment in phlebotomy. In the early days of dealing with my situation, I had 7 liters of blood drawn to lower my iron content. Now it is once or twice a year. Diet is the only tool you have for the steatosis and that isn't the easiest thing. Many people fail at changing their diet but for a liver patient, it is a life or death decision. Here is a link to the diet I use to deal with my cirrhosis.
My case is exactly the same f1-f2, cap 229 diagnosed in March. But since I have been dieting the ferritin is at normal levels 39 and it is already 6 months, I am heterozygous H63D, before it was out of control with phlebotomy. Now I am struggling to lower my liver enzyme levels, I have already lost 16kg.
Thanks so much for writing me. Im a diabetic, with high blood pressure, neuropathy in both and hands and feet. I take lyrica but it doesnt help. I have a B12 definacy and iron as well. Im stressed the most cause of my fatty liver. I really didnt get much info. Sorry about everything your going threw please keep in touch judy
Hi Elizabeth, what did you find out about your hemochromtosis?
I found out recently about a high ferritin level. I'm currently waiting for an appt with a new liver doc . Unfortunately it will be another month. .my US showed nafld & my lab blood test showed F1-2 I guess that indicates fibrosis. I need more imaging test to get a better understanding.
I realize this is an old post, but thought I'd give it a try, anyway. Hope things are going well for you.