Do you think my dangerously low cholesterol is a symptom of nafl or the cause? I mean, if i havent the cholesterol needed to make new cells, natually my organs woild degrade and have trouble healing. But cholesterol is made in the liver... so which is it, the chicken or the egg?
Cause or symptom?: Do you think my... - Living with Fatty...
Cause or symptom?

Do you have any easy questions? It seems like you may have problem with one of the enzymes used during synthesis by the liver. Cholesterol is complex and it takes a 37 step process to make it. It may be that you have a problem genetically that breaks one of those steps. You might be able to find a rare disease researcher that could at least explain it and give you some insight.
Lol no, i think Ive alreadt got the easy answers.
My father may have had this problem but I can only guess based on physical indicators he shared with me. But since nafld wasnt really diagnosed before the 2000s and by then they were much more worried about his lung and brain cancer, it never came up as far as I know. Since he passed before I was diagnosed I cant compare notes. Unless there is some way to obtain his records
Hi Sallywolf - what I've been told and what I've read all indicate that a HIGH cholesterol is possible as a symptom of NASH and NAFLD, but not low cholesterol. Check this short read out: Suemcbon
Well for Heaven's sake! That's not at all confusing, is it??