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Statins and Liver Disease

Livmar profile image
17 Replies

Hi wonderful community, I have compensated cirrhosis and have lost 20 lbs. since February of this year. I was able to completely get off my diabetes medication as my A1C is now 5.9. I am also on a statin for cholesterol called Pravastatin 40mgs. I wanted to get off this medication as my cholesterol is good also. My understanding however is that Statins are good for liver disease as they reduce inflammation, My Gastroenterologist indicated this to me. I have also read and researched a bit on this and am hesitant to get off it. How do you guys feel about statins for liver disease? Thanks!

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Livmar profile image
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17 Replies
SPIP profile image

Statins are most definitely not good for liver disease. They cause liver inflammation. It's a decision you must make with your doctor but please don't stay on it just help your liver.

Livmar profile image
Livmar in reply to SPIP

Hi, thanks so much for your comments. It is definitely something I plan on pursuing with my doctors.

Alterity profile image

My liver rejected every statin they gave me. I went into like heart attacks. My legs and feet swelled so bad, so I have nothing good to say about Statins. We are all different, but I'm in stage 4 liver disease and I feel any drug they give me that goes through the liver is bad for the liver. Only natural products for me. I do take a water pill to help with the swelling and I lost 60 pounds so that has all helped with my inflammation. If I don't feel well I take aleve so it goes through the kidneys. Like I told my Dr. that statin might be helping my heart, but if your helping my heart and killing my liver it is not going to matter anyway because if the liver is dead, so is the heart.

Livmar profile image
Livmar in reply to Alterity

Hi Alterity, sorry you had so many issues with statins. I do want to be on as few medications as possible. I will research further and decide what to do. Stay healthy 😄.

RedBarn profile image

I have liver disease because my body rejected several different brands of Statins. I stop taking them and fired the doc who keep saying you must take this drug. I try to manage my heart with a fresh food only diet. I am due for a liver check up. No adult beverages for me. 👍

Livmar profile image
Livmar in reply to RedBarn

food and exercise are the very best remedy for overall health. Wishing you good health 👍.

Jmaxley profile image

A statin (Vytorin) began my liver disease in 2010. My internist put me on high dose Vytorin after getting a very high reading of triglycerides on blood work. After one week on Vytorin, I was so sick, nauseated, unable to eat, and abdomen around liver was very painful and swollen. A visit to the ER put me in the hospital due high liver enzymes and symptoms. Vytorin was discontinued. It was found that my triglycerides were normal, and prior reading was actually felt to be a lab error. About a month after this incident to give the liver time to calm a bit, I went in for a liver biopsy, ultrasounds and CT, which showed permanent liver damage. This began my path of regular checks. 6 years later I had another liver biopsy when I started showing increased symptoms, which showed cirrhosis. I was sent to Vanderbilt Hepatology then. I was able to go on the clinical study with obeticholic acid in 2018, but after 10 months I developed gastric varices, and due to study protocol, had to be taken off the study, which was sad for me. Since then I have held my own with some improvement of my liver enzymes. I have moved twice in the past 8 years, and both times have had a new internist suggest I try to go back on a statin per their protocol, even after reading my history. It’s unbelievable to me that they even have said that, especially after seeing that I gave Vytorin listed as an allergy. Both new GIs that I have had and the one at Vanderbilt says absolutely not. Very confusing!

Livmar profile image
Livmar in reply to Jmaxley

Hi, I am so sorry you went through all the problems you went through. I have never heard of Vytorin. It is good that they took off the market considering the impacts that it caused. I have always believed that the fewest medications one is on the better. It is best to be healthy thru diet and exercise rather than taking a handful of meds. Wishing you the very best and thanks for your comments. 👍😄

Jmaxley profile image

Thank you. Vytorin is still on the market, but now marketed as a generic called ezetimibe/simvastatin. It was a new combination drug.

Bluegirl52 profile image

This is just my two cents, but several studies have been done that suggest that statin use helps to prevent HCC in cirrhosis. One study was completed at the Cleveland Clinic. You can google statins and HCC and read about the studies. I, too, have compensated cirrhosis from right sided heart failure (cardiac cirrhosis) and my cardiologist agreed to put me on a low dose statin. That was over two years ago, and I’ve had no problems with taking it. I also drink 3-4 cups of coffee every day. My Hepatologist at Duke is fine with the statin.

Livmar profile image
Livmar in reply to Bluegirl52

Hi, thanks so much for the feedback. I have also had no problems taking pravastatin but I was told it could help my liver. Perhaps, I will see if I can cut my dose in half from 40 to 20. Best wishes and health! 👍😄.

Stewarpa profile image

I went to a endocrinologist that thought taking statins was not a good choice. Then went to hepatologist that specialized in liver transplant patients (my sister has already had a transplant and since my issues are genetic, he agreed to see me in hopes to prevent same outcome for me). He felt a low dose statin was not an issue. I have learned from my own personal history that if I can get my cholesterol levels to a good place, my liver does much better. Maybe that is why you thought statins were good for your liver. Previously, I was able to get my numbers down by doing a lot of walking. Unfortunately, I have severe knee issues now and will be having knee replacement before long, so I can't do the extra walking that helped me before. I am trying to replace that exercise with biking on a Peloton bike to get a good workout. Bottom line is lowering your cholesterol will help your liver or at least it did in my case. But diet and exercise is the best way to get there if you can stay the course.

Livmar profile image
Livmar in reply to Stewarpa

Hi, thanks so much for your reply. I agree that diet and exercise are the best. I did just read an article comparing statins vs supplements to control cholesterol and it was not even close. Statins performed so much better. I wish you the best with your knee and keep at it with exercise. Even if we have issues with joints or other stuff there is always swimming or water exercise. Good health to you always 👍😄.

Catman1967 profile image

I was on 10 mg of a Atorvastatin for over 20 years then a few years ago they raised that to 20 mg then 6 months ago they raised it to 40 mg. 2 years ago when they 1st discovered my Nash my KPA was 7.2 I dieted andexercise and last October my KPA was 6.1. My KPA this October was 11.4 but I did consume 4 to 5 times the normal daily amount of salt the night before, Which Nash2 says can affect the kpa reading. My habits went nowhere near back to what they used to be , I did regress some over the last year but I'm wondering now if the Atorvastatin increase didn't cause problems?

Livmar profile image
Livmar in reply to Catman1967

salt and sugar are a definite NO so I would start with that if you are maintaining a good diet and exercise.

schaefer profile image

I have mild fatty liver due to high cholesterol so had to go on 10 mg of pravastatin a day. I have been on for 8 months. My cholesterol is good now and my liver test was healthy. I will have an ultra sound soon to see if I recovered. I read statins will help the liver

Livmar profile image
Livmar in reply to schaefer

Thanks and congratulations. Hopefully all will be good. Please do everything within your power to educate yourself and never let it progress. Do not rely and have sole confidence in primary doctors. See a liver specialist (hepatologist).

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