how do i start this plan?: I'm new to... - Fasting and Furious

Fasting and Furious

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how do i start this plan?

17 Replies

I'm new to fasting and wonder what the best way to start this is......I was thinking fasting from 6pm to 10am would this work? and also within the eating stage what do u all eat? DO you stick to a certain amount of calories? any advice would be fab x

17 Replies
S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20

Hi, Hidden , Welcome.

Yes... It is a popular misconception that Intermittent Fasting is "missing breakfast" - but I fast 14:00 to 10:00.

You could eat breakfast at 10:00, and gradually have your last meal earlier until you get to 18:00... or whenever.

Tell me if there is anything else you would like to know... but I think I have covered most of the basics in my post:

Many of us eat the Low-Carbohydrate High-Fat (LCHF) diet. See the Low-Carbohydrate High-Fat forum here on Health Unlocked.

E27M14 profile image

I do 7:30pm to 11:30am, so for me it is basically missing breakfast and not snacking in the evenings. I don’t really seriously count calories but don’t overdo it to compensate for the fasting times. A light lunch, generally low carb, and then a healthy evening meal.

in reply to E27M14

that's fab thanks, have u lost much weight doing it?

E27M14 profile image
E27M14 in reply to

I lost a stone in about 2 months before Christmas and then stopped for a while, just careful sensible eating and more exercise for a while. Just started again this week as my weight loss had stalled, and dropped 3 pounds in a week.

in reply to E27M14

wow that's amazing well done x

Bobbi6 profile image

I fast from 6pm- 10 am. I eat two small balanced meals and on very light snack. Like veggies or fruit. I don’t do high fat low carb. My dr says that’s bad for the heart but my dad does that plan and it has worked great for him. I’ve lost 25 lbs he has lost double that. So you do what works for you. But I do agree with fasting.

in reply to Bobbi6

thank you for your advice that sounds like what I could cope with. well done for the weight loss 🙂

elliebath profile image
elliebath in reply to Bobbi6

High fat low carb is NOT " bad for the heart " . It is tragic that some GPs still say it. . There has been interesting research in recent years and it is now widely known that natural fats don't cause heart disease. Moreso, the processed carbs and sugars are the culprit for poor health, NOT natural fats . Heart disease is quite a modern illness it barely existed until 100 years ago. People ate fatty meats , butter, eggs, cheese, full fat milk etc. but they did not eat processed bread, pasta, rice, sugar foods etc. Even fruit ( fructose) was only available in a short season and less sweet, whilst today its cultivated to be sweeter and imported all year round .. Sorry to harp on but I have heart issues and am quite passionate about the misconceptions that are still out there in our nhs

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20 in reply to elliebath

I could not disagree with you, elliebath , but we should not contradict qualified, insured doctors!

We can say "current research indicates natural fats don't cause heart disease" and suggest that a second opinion might clarify.

Hidden and Bobbi6 , you might find this interesting:

elliebath profile image
elliebath in reply to S11m

Of course, but my point is that many doctors including cardiologists are still slow to catch up. For instance It is only recently that a link has been recognised between the cause of diabetes2 and vascular heart disease yet still they don't suggest reduced carbs higher fats.

It's not until we have a worrying illness or condition that we investigate and question things. You only need look at the frustration of people posting on the other Health Unlocked heart forum to see it.

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20 in reply to elliebath

Some doctors believe what they were taught.

cheritorrox profile image
cheritorrox in reply to S11m

And don't have time to keep up with changes from that :)

cheritorrox profile image
cheritorrox in reply to cheritorrox

PS just look at all the crap about cholesterol and how little notice of up-to-date science has made...

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20 in reply to cheritorrox

I was telling the nurse at the doctors’ about that - she said she had been on a lot of courses… so I told her that “Big Pharma” orchestrates the whole training program!

Bobbi6 profile image
Bobbi6 in reply to elliebath

Thank you for your insight on that

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20 in reply to elliebath

Where are you hiding, Hidden ?

We (may) have opinions on the NHS... but it is a free service - and I have had hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of free treatment.

...and some NHS doctors refer patients to Health Unlocked, so, I think, we should not be tooo anti-NHS.

Pieplanter profile image

Hi Hidden

It looks like we're all different but I fast from 7pm to 1pm the following day, so 18 hours. In my 6 hour eating window, I stick to 800 calories. I'm on day 16 now, and I've lost 16lbs.

On a 'good' day (mentally and physically) I will extend the fasting to 24 hours but that doesn't happen often.

On a 'bad' day my stomach starts rumbling quite early in the day :-)

I'm drinking 4-5 litres of water a day.

Oh, by the way, my GP surgery is kindly looking after me. I had a full suite of blood tests last Thursday, and I've got follow up appointments in 2 & 4 weeks time.

My target weight loss is 2 stones. I only need to lose another 10lbs. After that, I'm off the fasting and just eating sensibly.

Peter :-)

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