my 9 year old has been doing a disimpaction since 6th Aug. We got to watery poo for 24 hours on Wed/Thurs - we’ve had lots of type 6 before this…... The next day the poo was type 6 - still on 12 sachets. Plenty of water - 1.6l daily. 7 portions of fruit and veg - religiously.
Today 12 sachets still, the poo is type 6 and now has a greenish tinge. Bits of food can be seen at times.
Is she clear? Is the dose too high? We don’t understand what is happening or what to do next. Staying on 12 but we’re hoping to be down to a maintenance dose by 6th sept when she goes back to school.
Feeling like I’m failing her right now and currently sat in tent on holiday having a quiet cry.
Feeling helpless. Looking for any advice from experienced mums/dads.