I wonder if anyone is going through the same thing or may have some advice for us.
Our Daughter has had constipation since she was about 6 months old. Looking at the Bristol chart, she has never done a poo which is type 2-4 as far as we can remember.
She is currently on 3 movicol sachets a day (1.5 per morning and evening). Whilst this does mean that she has movement, it is basically type 6/7 on the scale.
Everyday she soils herself about twice a day (luckily not too often at school) and it is very rare for her to use the toilet for a poo. When we ask her about this, she states that she does not know it is coming out. She is not afraid of using the toilet and we have encouraged her to it on for a number of minutes to let nature take its course but we have not have any joy this way.
As you can imagine this is a difficult situation and we are hoping that other people may have some advice or support the can give us. We are speaking with the hospital (appointment tomorrow actually) and constipation service on this but at the moment do not feel we are getting anywhere and that they will probably just recommend adjusting the Movicol dose etc.
Does anyone think that we should push for her to have some sort of scan? Can anyone recommend any sort of food that may help? We do give her brown bread and fruit etc.
MAny thanks in advance to anyone that can help.