My daughter is 2 years and 7 months and is a 3 poo a day girl with no issues. We began potty training on Monday. It quickly became apparent she was holding her poo. I am absolutely traumatised from witnessing the last 3 days. 5 hours solid screaming crying holding her bum begging me to take the poo out. 3 hours yesterday the same. It is really intense and stressful for her and me and her daddy. Last night I put her in the car and went to a and e it was soooo bad. They have given us Laxido. The problem is that its like she has forgotten how to poo. We are all done with potty training qnd she has a nappy on again but can't poo, doesn't know how to poo and has spent this mornkng crying, pacing, holding her bum and asking me to take the poo away. She has taken a little of the Laxido but really struggling to get her to drink it. I am broken. Absolutely brokenHealth visitor no support at all.I feel so alone. No one will help no one can seem to give me advice or advise what to do. It's a case where your left to get on with it.
Can anyone offer me any guidance. I feel such guilt for starting potty training.ake creating this problem and I fear she will never poo again like she used to