My son is 4. We started toilet training around 2 and he picked it up so well I naively thought it was going to be easy… roll on 2 years and he still needs prompting to go to the toilet when he looks at us with ‘the face’. He’ll still say he doesn’t need to go though & often then he seems to have gotten so good at holding it in he may have stained his pants & have a dirty bum but 20 minutes of sitting on the toilet, stories, songs & blowing toys galore and still no poo.
He tends to have little wee accidents before going for a wee too but doesn’t fully wet himself.
He is on daily movicol and we disimpacted at the start. Most days we do get 1 good poo out so I don’t think he’s constipated but usually have a couple of accidents & 20 minute ‘tries’ leading up to the main event where I assume he’s just held it in so much after a bit has tried to come out that the need to go passes. Maybe?
I ask him if he can feel a poo is coming before it comes out and he says he can so I think it’s behavioural but how do I know for sure?
I feel like we’ve tried every incentive and tactic and will have better patches but we always then regress.
I think going to the toilet is just an inconvenience for him but no amount of incentives we’ve tried, making him get changed & covering or removing the toy he was playing with when he chose not to go (on advice from ERIC) seems to be solving the issue long term.
I would love to hear from anyone else who’s had similar and what finally worked.
Thanks for reading