I have an almost 6 year old who is wet at night. He doesn’t wake up until his nappy leaks. We’re currently using a size 8 pampers tab with a Spider-Man pull up on top, then he sleeps on a brolly sheet which makes our night changes the easiest. He hates wearing a nappy and doesn’t think he should need to. I’m speaking to the GP on Monday but I’m wondering what nappies or night wear do other families use? Thanks,
Night nappies: I have an almost 6 year old who is wet... - ERIC
Night nappies

Tesco do bigger nappies for older kids, there called junior nappies and there's a slightly bigger and more absorbent one called junior plus.There really good for nighttime.
If your son doesn't think he should wear a nappy don't force him to, just teach him how to make his bed and work the washing machine.
My son is 5, but quite tall for his age (clothes size 7/7-8). We are in aldi nappies size 7; they are the biggest I’ve found. I know huggies do the big siZe pull-ups, but it works quite expensive. I’m hanging onto the cheap Aldi ones as long as possible, but looks like he’s getting too big for them too.
Being dry at night is a hormone in brain. It can't be trained like people think. It's like a switch and in some children it doesn't work. If you were looking to go dry at night, speak to GP and there is medication that can be given to trigger this hormone to work. X
There’s DryNites sizes 4-7 and 8-14. Our eldest stopped using them between her 6th and 7th birthday but she used the larger size for a while because she’s tall for her age. I actually have an unopened pack of DryNites 8-14 I would be happy to post to you, if he wouldn’t mind butterflies?
They are pulls ups rather than nappies

Thank you that is so kind. We aren’t having much luck with the drynites because the 4-7 ones seem too loose (he’s very slight) but the 3-5 fit better, but thank you. Both don’t seem to have the absorbency to hold the wee. Saying that we’ve taken him for a wee at 11pm the last two nights which seems to reduce the size of the wee in the nappy that happens in the early hours, so we’ve had two nights without bed changes, horray!
When we did go for the plunge and went pull up free, we had great success with some towelling skirts, which had towelling on the inside but water proof on the outside. You can get similar trousers and shorts.
They took the stress out of any accidents as it was a very quick change and back to bed. And I think the pull ups were so good before she just wasn’t realising she was wet and waking up.
And the last time we tried going pull up free she picked it up in a week - it was obviously just her time! As someone said above, it’s part developmental and that happens at different times for different kids. We did have a few clues that she was saving up a wee till about 6am and then sometimes getting leakage which woke her up.

Do you have the name of these towelling shorts/trousers? Thanks
Can’t remember our particular make but it’s this sort of thing (these are cheaper than the ones we got, not sure if that impact quality). Sorry for the Amazon link!
The reviews look quite variable! But the skirts did work brilliantly for us.
Once you get referred they will tell you to ditch the nappies. I had mine in nappies until we went to the wee clinic, age 7. Some kids see the clinic and the problem is sorted in a couple of weeks, some take years. I’d probably suggest not worrying about nappies and start stocking up on spare PJs, mattress protectors and sheets. Best thing I have bought is the Comfortnights Eco toilet training sleep mat on Amazon. Good luck 🤞
Thanks. Do you have any tips on what to use over them instead of a duvet? Because washing that everyday is not feesable but I know he likes a heavy weight on top (a sheet won’t do even in the summer). I’m starting to think all this might changing would be easier without him being on the top bunk 🙈🙈🙈
Unfortunately I don’t have a solution. I wash duvets :(. But I have a backup of fleece blankets. It won’t be fun for you, it is hard. And sometimes it seems impossible. But you might be one of the lucky ones who have quick success. There have been many days where I have closed a door and cried over the mountain of urine soaked bedding. Buy a couple of cheap (as you can find) machine washable single ones.
I do use pillow protectors as my boy somehow pees on his pillow 🤦♀️