Hi I’m new to this feed snd need some advice on making up the movicol for my 4 year old daughter who is withholding. Can I prepare the movicol in the correct amount of water and add it to milk?
How to make up movicol : Hi I’m new to this feed snd... - ERIC
How to make up movicol

As long as its prepared with the correct amount of water and dissolved properly then you can mix it with milk (or juice) chocolate milkshake is a winner in our house as it can sometimes have a funny taste so this masks it well
Thank you that really helps. I don’t feel like I’ve had much support from my GP, she has now gone 7 days without a poo, so I’ve increased her sachets.
Sometimes I feel like you end up doing so much reading and researching that you know more than the GPabout withholding. That's not a knock on them as they have to know all sorts. Definitely ask on here if there is anything else in the future you need help with.
Hi!! Yes add it to any liquid of choice. It does have a detectable taste in water and my son was onto it.... so he would dump it out! We finally have hidden it in sports drinks. He has favorites we took him to shoppe and he picked out his own drinks!! We still “hide” in the drinks but he needs itGood luck momma 🥰
I often mix it up and then add to milk on cereal 😊
We used to add into milk when daughter was young but we’re advised that milk makes it less effective ( after doing it for years !). She then opted for plain so volume was less. Hope it works for you.
Best option I found was giving him a pint of plain water to drink then shaking the powder in with milk and chocolate powder or putting it in yogurt or chocolate pudding. Dulcolax is a stimulant laxative and not a straight replacement for movicol that is a softener. If there is any kind of build up of hard stool then bisacodyl will just cause pain as the bowel tries to move the impacted stool. Wish there was an easy answer but a full disimpaction then weaning off the movicol onto more food based options is the ideal. Good luck!