Hi I have a 19 month old boy and we have recently been diagnosed with suspected constipation. He has grumbled in his sleep from birth and I think it has been due to him being constipated. As he has got older the grumbling/growning has got louder so it wakes him several times a night.
We have been prescribed Movicol and for the first week of taking it he slept 7-7 with no wake ups. He has been on the Movicol now for about 6 weeks and has started waking again between 4/5 am.
Just wondering if anyone thinks he is now used to the dose and I need to increase it or might he be getting too much Movicol? His poo (sorry) is quite sticky but there are no big lumps in it. He has 1 sachet in the morning and 1 at night. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance