Shout out: Shout out to all those with kids stuck... - ERIC


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Shout out

Poppymum profile image
11 Replies

Shout out to all those with kids stuck indoors on a sunny weekend while they weigh pants and measure wee for the latest input/output chart.

Shout out to all those crying in the car and texting their partner after the 10th GP has told them its a potty training issue.

Shout out to all those who know what it’s like to not only wash the contents of their kids school bag but the bag itself cos the smell almost knocks you out!

Shout out to the movicol mummies trying to adjust the maintenance dose to maintain a good sausage! Trying to work out if the yucky stuff is overflow or the dose is too high!

Shout out to all those with kids for whom the long awaited ‘wonder drugs’ oxybutynin and Solefenacin did nothing at all!

Shout out to those with a prescription from a urologist for unlicensed drugs fighting GPs, pharmacists and receptionists who don’t believe their kids can have it.

Shout out to those whose kids’ schools sent them home because they mistook overflow poo for a bug and won’t let them in for 48 hours!

Shout out to those who’ve missed work ( or can’t even get a job) due to going in to school to clean up their kids.

Shout out to those who are submitting their child’s 10th urine sample actually praying they have a UTI causing wetting as that can be cured!

Shout out to those who feel completely persecuted by the 1000s online slamming parents whose kids are still wetting at school age.

Shout out to those at the reception information evening reading the slide that says ‘children must be independent in the toilet before starting school’. You read it and weep.

Shout out to those who un-zip their kids’ school bag and count the full nappy sacks before they leave the playground.

Shout out to those who watch friends’ two year olds run around dry all day whilst your seven year old wees their pants every hour!

Shout out to those crying in the hotel room during a weekend at Legoland because your child’s intervals were shorter than every ride queue and seeing them bent over looking embarrassed and uncomfortable with still 15 minutes to go to the ride made your heart break.

Shout out to those whose child missed school for an afternoon three consecutive weeks for the continence nurse, urologist and uraflow. ( and the first two appointments needed the results of the uraflow which came after!!!)

Shout out to those in the waiting room three hours for the uraflow appointment!!

Shout out to those listening to people moan that they’ve been potty training for two weeks and the accidents are driving them mad ( 1500 days on from that point they’re driving me mad too!!)

Shout out to those wondering who on earth copes with just a dry like me pad when your child’s thickest available Tena pad, pants, cycling shorts, dress and car seat are soaked!

Shout out to those whose kids sit on the bare plastic car seat more often than the cover as it’s in the wash!

Shout out to those for whom their child’s. ‘play date’ at someone’s house without you means hours of anxiety and embarrassment.

Shout out to those who would personally pay the council to install portaloos in every park because their daughter doesn’t want to wee/be changed in front of everyone.

Shout out to those sat up googling til midnight to learn about catheters, drugs, TENS, PTNS. You guys know more than most GPs ( those dudes fob you off cos they’re jealous!)

Shout out to those still juggling the three questions ‘is it me?’ ‘Is it my child?’ ‘Is it nobodies fault?’ . And every day you reach each different conclusion so many times that your brain is in knots!

Shout out for those who remember to pack wipes and nappy sacks and forget their own purse!

Shout out to those comforting smelly embarrassed children. Hug them tightly.

Shout out to those taking in another pack of pads to school in their lunch break as school keep running out.

And finally. Shout out to all those friends, family members and health or education professionals thinking incontinence is due to laziness. ( ours or our children’s) I have the biggest sympathy for you. Truly. Because living with a child going through the humiliation of crap coming out of their bums with no control is horrible. But having crap spilling out of your mouth must be horrendous. I pity you.

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Poppymum profile image
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11 Replies

Amazing!!! You just summed up my entire life...... 😭 Onwards and upwards.... Hopefully xxx

Misty10 profile image

So true .well written .x

Womble77 profile image

Love this! Sums up the last 6 years brilliantly. Just starting to see a glimmer of light with Tolterodine. Hang on in there. Mostly wetting for us, but the meds cause poopcidents too. Can’t win!

rvc123 profile image

This actually brought tears to my eyes. For years I believed that it was something I had done/not done while potty training and that I had failed my daughter. Now I know it’s not, but I still feel guilty for taking wrong advice years ago, and helpless that I didn’t know any better.X

SKY01 profile image

Brilliantly written! Xx

OlivesYou profile image

You are spot on!💕thank you for confirming what I feel each and every day. I am truly grateful for this terrific group of mums!

thank you for the wonderful shout out today!

🤗big hugs

Word to u! Thanks for something a little light hearted but also verbalising how "shitty" encoperesis can be. Hope u told the health care worker what for! Best wishes to u and ur little one x

MrsSquirrel profile image

Spot on! I was nodding as I read.

Ljr2199 profile image

So pleased to read this and not feel alone. Doesn’t stop the annoyance with the doctors who didn’t listen to a word I said for 3 years. There is one thing you missed tho.... the inability to learn to swim as they can’t be allowed in the pool for fear of making a mess!!!xx

Livinonaprayer profile image

Perfectly put! Thank god I found this site. I no longer feel like we are the only ones in the world with these problems, it has helped me enormously xx

Piper2017 profile image

Amazingly written,have all the same problems you wrote about.i know that doesn't help you but know that you are not alone x

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