My son has just turned 3, he was severely constipated last year so we did a disimpaction treatment last October which cleared him out. He hadn’t yet been potty trained and my gp had said to wait for 3 months after the treatment to allow his bowel to get back to normal before attempting any training.
Since the disimpaction he is still either doing large soft poos or soiling still (but not the same type of soiling as when he was impacted). Every nappy I change has poo in it, it is like he has no muscle strength to hold any in, and they are always soft. I am constantly adjusting the maintenance movicol dose but it makes no difference.
I am going back to the doctor tomorrow as I am worried that he is still pooing so much but I wondered if anyone had any experience of attempting potty training while this sort of thing was going on? I don’t see how it will be possible to try putting pants on him as he will just always be soiling them but I also don’t want to just not try either! If anyone can give any advice or have experienced the same sort of issue I would be grateful to hear from you!