Hi, just looking for some advices on the difference approached parent use for day time wetting! My daughter is 6 next month was dry day and night at the age of 2.5 then got her first UTI just before she was 3 and has not been dry day or night since! She has had multiple UTI’s and has been treated with different antibiotics! She has been infection free for a year now! She is under the urologist at the hospital and had a USS and a DMSA scan, which all came back normal! He doesn’t seem concerned about her wetting as long as she is infection free! She can have the odd day that she is dry however 90% of the time she wets and can wet up to 3 times a day! She will try and hide it and just sits on the floor and tries to hold it in rather than go to the toilet! We have tried the reward and punishment approach by stoping her from doing things she likes, tried ignoring it! But nothing works! We don’t no why is is wetting and if there is a cause or that she is just so engrossed in what she is doing! I just don’t no how to react to it, the doctors say she will grow out of it, but in the mean time, I don’t no how to cope with it! Thanks your reading my long post! X
Day time wetting: Hi, just looking for some advices on... - ERIC
Day time wetting
Hi, if you are on Facebook then you may be interested to know that there is a closed group called Daytime Wetting in Children and Teens, which has around 270 members who are parents of children who wet themselves during the day and share their experiences and offer advice.
Hiya - poor you, sounds very frustrating. I assume they have checked her out for other bladder conditions like an overactive bladder or not emptying properly? I ask that because my daughter has an over active bladder and the sitting and trying to hold it in is exactly what she does. It’s actually that she doesn’t dare move because she knows it will leak if she does. It’s so frustrating because I look at her and can tell she really needs a wee! Having said that, do you think she might be scared to wee after the pain of the infections and withholds? Kids memories of these things last a long time....
In terms of coping strategies all I can say is we find consistency is the key to the drier life. Drinks at the same times every day, having a routine of wees and sticking to water/milk to avoid bladder irritants such as squash or fizzy drinks (although I allow apple juice too, seems to be ok for her). I find using the dry like me pads to make changes easier (Tena lady work too though!), especially for occasions when you don’t want to be changing clothes like parties! I’ve also found things got better when I potty trained my little one because there was always a potty close to hand. My daughter suddenly started to ‘make it’ when she couldn’t get to the loo. Not really an option for school and she probably wouldn’t want that at 6 anyway. I’ve explained to my daughter that she has a ‘naughty bladder’ and that is why we have to do things differently to other kids which helps us both not get cross about it.
I was actually really interested to read your post as I’ve always harboured a suspicion this all started for us after some antibiotics for an ear infection. Food for thought...
All the hospital have done is a USS of her kidneys and bladder, she did say that she had a small amount of urine left in her bladder post void, but didn’t seems concerned! Then the DSMA scan was on her kidneys and they said they are working fine! They couldn’t find a cause for why she was getting the infections!! So no, they haven’t looked into any other conditions! 😢 It took me pushing for about a year for her to get the test they have done and the consultant doesn’t seem concerned like I am that she is still having accidents in the day and wet every night and still wearing pull ups at night!
When she had infections she hardly ever got pain, it was more the smell that changed and we got her urine tested!
We have stopped her having black-current and she stopped getting infections shortly after! Wonder if it is a coincidence or not!
We send the pads to school with her and they are good at changing them and help her but still coming home most days smelling of urine and wet some days!!
There doesn’t seem the be a pattern for when she wets, can wet at home where there is a toilet near by but then can go out for the day and not wet!! Soft plays are never a good time and nearly always wets!
I have looked into getting a potting training watch for her and use your advice of a consistency, when she goes to the toilet then then has a drink to try and get her to drink plenty!