Hi all,
My daughter has started bed wetting again after a year of being dry. This has been happening on and off again for the past couple of months (about twice a week). It seemed to coincide with onset of puberty.
She is a high achiever, flying at school and is a very talented performer and she is mortified and embarrassed about this as it’s the one thing she can’t control. She adamantly won’t come to the doctors with me and is almost putting her head in the sand about it saying it will sort itself out. She also won’t use an alarm as she doesn’t want her siblings to know. (Tbh, that never really worked anyway as she is such a deep sleeper!)
I have tried going back to basics with her - drink more in the day, regular loo breaks, nothing after 7:30pm, but so far no good. I am worried that there may be a medical issue, but am hesitant to go back to the doctors as she is so against it.
She has a school camping trip next year which she really wants to go on, but getting to the toilet at night will be a nightmare for her and I am so worried she will wet and be humiliated.
Would be great to hear from parents in a similar situation where teen has started wetting again.
She successfully became dry on 10 mg of oxybutynin previously, so it might be a case of getting this prescribed again. I was hoping it was just a blip, but seems like we have gone back to square one.
Thanks in advance.