Sorry it's a long post!
Did is 4.8 years has bouts Overflow & constipation. This has been our day.
Up between 12am -1.30 with trips to the loo thing to poo. No joy
Mad dash down to school as she urge to go. (Had to ask to be let into school early). She couldn't do anything!
Husband picked her up from school, teacher had a word saying she'd had 5 accidents at school and implied that she may be should be at home. (I wasn't there so only going by what I've been told). Pants that have been changed have only light soiling (like bottom not wiped properly) so wasn't like the accidents I was expecting. Husband had to take her back to school on way home as she had an urge again and it was nearer than going home. Still no joy.
She's now bee sat on loo for over an hour!
Would/do you send your child to school when/if they are trying to go to the loo so often with some soiling? School are aware she's taking laxido etc. whats your experience?
Thanks x