My daughter has been soiling since we Potty trained her! She got constipated and had a sore poo and since the age of 3 has been on lactulose!
I'm tried a few times over the past couple of years to wean her off the medicine along with a good diet, plenty exercise and a sticker reward chart with no success!
Finding the Eric charity and this chat room has been a lifeline as I think family and friends have got fed up of me talking about it as they say she'll grow out of it! But im worried she won't!
At the beginning of April we introduced regular toilet time after breakfast and dinner we seen a big improvement soiling/accidents decreased and she was happy! Unfortunately in the last week she seems to have got constipated again and the soiling has started again!
Should I speak to my GP to see if they can provide an alternative laxative? Or what can I do to clear away any constipated poo? I haven't found my gp very helpful as they just advise to keep her on th regular dose of lactulose! I feel like I'm wasting my time booking an appointment
She is at school now and there have been a few soiling accidents I'm worried that her school friends will start to pick up on it so want to do anything I can to get her pooing regularly and minimising the accidents - HELP any advice appreciated!