Hi, I need some advice!! My 7 yr old daughter has recently been diagnosed with coeliac.
She has struggled on/off with constipation since she was around 2 and that may or may not be linked to the coeliac. She was dry day and night from about 3 till recently!
Prior to diagnosis she was impacted but we managed to clear that very easily. She has recently had a scan that shows her rectum is 2cm larger than it should be and whenever she gets 'backed up' she had daytime wetting accidents and she has wet the bed every night for the past 6 months.
The wetting is really difficult and I'm thinking about getting her a watch to remind her to go. It feels like she has no sensation of needing anymore.
Anyway, I'm finding it really hard to know how much movicol to give her to maintain her. Too much=poo accidents; not enough=wetting accidents.
Any tips out there?? Also how long before you found that your child's colon returned to 'normal.'
This is all so hard isn't it?!?