Our 5 yo daughter was diagnosed with constipation in April this year, following incidents with poo and wee soiling. We disimpacted her successfully at the time using cosmocol (it took 11 days in total until we reached rusty water stage). We went to the highest maintenance dose. (4 sachets in line with Eric guidance) and then reduced down to 2 doses and then 1 dose over the course of 3 months. All seemed to be going great with no accidents for the first couple of months however over the past few weeks she has started having accidents again - poo in knickers frequently and today she wet herself for the first time since the disimpaction. We have in the last few days ramped her back up from 1 dose a day to 2 but it doesn’t seem to have helped.
We are at a loss as to where to go from here - is this normal? Did we reduce doses too fast? Do we need to start disimpaction again? Any advice gratefully received.