My four year old daughter doesn't feel the sensation of needing a wee. The pediatrician says she's ignoring it but she definitely isn't. She hates having accidents and hates people seeing. She feels her trousers to see if they're wet as she doesn't know and then gets excited if they're dry, she has weed when preschool staff have been changing her and been surprised to see wee come out! She's starting school in September! She's been this way for two years (since being out of nappies) and is no better than the first day of potty training. She has never ever said she needs a wee or taken herself. She does go when her wobl watch alarm goes off which shows she wants to do it!
Does anyone else have a pediatrician who won't believe that a child doesn't feel the sensation? How do you get support when they're saying the child is ignoring it?
My child's preschool are great and are suggesting writing a diary as evidence. Why is it such a battle to get a pediatrician to see theres a problem? The wobl watch is helping but I want to know why she doesn't have an awareness of needing to go. Will I ever know the answer to that? Will she one day get the Sensation? It's hard to have made no progress in two years. It's starting to really get me down.
Last week one day she had two accidents in a three hour preschool session despite someone trying her on the toilet every half hour!
We ensure she drinks the right amount of water (only water), she sits on the toilet for a couple of mins. Wee just comes out with no warning! She says it "let's itself out".
When she sits and does drawing or something then she's often wet. She doesn't seem to be able to sit and concentrate without weeing.
Very stressed about her starting school.