Has anyone had experience of a child (or rather a teen my son is 14 years old) reverting to bed wetting when they have been dry for at least 3 months. Just feel really helpless and down. Really thought this problem was behind us. I feel I have been worrying about this his whole life.
14 Year old reverted to wetting the bed: Has anyone had... - ERIC
14 Year old reverted to wetting the bed
Hi Anon150,
I'm sorry to hear your son has started bedwetting again that this has been such a worry for you. Being wet after even quite a long period of dryness (also known as 'secondary nocturnal enuresis') is quite common in older children and something we get asked about on the ERIC helpline. The trigger can be stress events such as exams, tiredness or because the young person has become constipated and there's pressure on their bladder. They may have developed a problem with their bladder e.g. urinary tract infection, overactivity or drinking habits have changed and they are having too much to drink at the wrong end of the day.
It usually settles down again over time, but secondary nocturnal enuresis should always be treated as if it were primary. So it’s worth booking an appointment for your son with your GP or school nurse so they can rule out any underlying causes and treat if necessary. Take a look at ERIC's guide to night time wetting (eric.org.uk/InformationZone... for lots more information on bedwetting, it's causes and treatments. There's also a section of the ERIC website designed for teenagers which you could suggest your son takes a look at: eric.org.uk/Hub/Home.
You are also very welcome to call the ERIC helpline for more information and support. We're open Monday to Thursday 10am – 2pm 0845 370 8008.
Kind regards,
My son is 7 so it has not been as long for me compared to you. However I feel like I have been changing my sons bed forever . I lay in bed in the morning thinking is this the first day of dryness. I also have a 4 year old and can't face getting him out of pull ups to have two lots of washing to do the next day . Has your son had a change at school . Can you go back to the routine they tell you no fluids an hourbefore etc . I hope it's just a short blip for you but totally understand how it takes over your life.