Bed wetting 8 year old : Hi my son is 8 years old and... - ERIC


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Bed wetting 8 year old

Jan3101 profile image
10 Replies

Hi my son is 8 years old and has never had a dry night. Always wears pull ups at night.

We've tried everything- stop drinking hour b4 bed medication (had reaction to this so had to stop) bed alarms.

Nothing has worked. After reaction to meds (anxiety and nightmares,) we were told by constant nothing else can be done and was discharged

We've never been offered scans or alternative treatment. Should we push for this or is that it we have to wait until he "grows out of it"?

So frustrating and he's at that age now where he is getting embarrassed (he missed out on school trip because of this)

Added complication is that he is type 1 diabetic so when his bloods are high, he tends to wee more

Any advice?

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Jan3101 profile image
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10 Replies
StellaA profile image

A bedwetting 8 year old is nothing to worry about, I'm surprised you managed to get any help, my granddaughter is 10 and is still wet every night, and is apparently not eligible for medication or pads for bedwetting until she is 13, despite receiving having a treatment plan for her bowel and daytime incontinence.

Jan3101 profile image
Jan3101 in reply to StellaA

I was informed if still bed wetting at age 7 there is a concern and further treatment available/discuss next steps etc

I was referred with no problem just not having desired results

Yaleamanda profile image
Yaleamanda in reply to StellaA

NICE guidelines state a child must be referred at 5 years old in the UK for night time wetting.

StellaA profile image
StellaA in reply to Yaleamanda

I phoned up the continence team I'd been dealing with to enquire about this, apparently the age here is so those most in need, aka older kids, can get a better service, but therse not enough funding for younger kids because the price of logistics is so much higher than in the cities.

Surely if they helped children earlier then they wouldn't have so many older kids reliant on pads.

Yaleamanda profile image
Yaleamanda in reply to StellaA

They are not following NICE guidelines, a child should be seen at 5 years old onwards. I would dispute them over this.

Yaleamanda profile image

Have you ruled out constipation? This is such a common reason and yet people think just because their child goes regularly they are fine, when in fact they are completely backed up. There are lots of other things you can do, ensure that they are drinking enough during the day, this will help strengthen the bladder to hold more liquid at night. Encourage regular toilet sitting after every meal. When they go to the toilet, get them to count to 30 before they step away/get up from the toilet, you will be surprised how much more wee comes out. Take them to the toilet twice before they go to bed. restrict drinks with caffeine or high acidity as this wont help with the wetting.

Jan3101 profile image
Jan3101 in reply to Yaleamanda

Thank you for your response. I haven't considered constipation, as you say he is regular. How would we find out if he is constipated? Or do I just follow the guidelines you have suggested etc?

Yaleamanda profile image
Yaleamanda in reply to Jan3101

I would try the things I have suggested first, but dont be closed off to the idea of constipation. Also have you been referred to your local continence nursing team? They should be able to help you too.

AMOGO profile image

It sounds like you need to go back to GP and ask for a referral to a different consultant. We had to do this and are now being seen at the Evelina. I think you can be put on a waiting list where you want to be seen (not just the nearest) so research where a paediatric urologist is in residency and where bladder function testing can be performed. 8 is a perfectly acceptable age, in fact I received a raised eyebrow from out first consultant that I'd left it that long. Waiting lists are long; and there's obviously now a back up. If you have the right GP they will support you finding the right Paed. Urologist. Good luck.

MrsSquirrel profile image

Don't be put off, keep pushing. Its having an adverse effect on his daily life. GP or get a referral to a paediatrician if GP won't refer to continence services. It can be a long and winding road so get things in motion now. There are various medications and other things which can be tried. ERIC do pajama pants which could help for school trips as they are discreet. Talk to school staff. school nurse as well. Sometimes they can get things moving forward. Don't take no for an answer, children's needs should be addressed. A child has every right to good medical support for continence.

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