Hi Ladies,
I am fully aware that a swollen belly is a prime sign of endo although gps pass it off as IBS - PAH! Usually I experience this on a daily basis once I have driven and/or walked more than I should, usually once i've had a sleep or put my feet up for a couple of hours it reduces to being normal. However, for the past three days mine has stayed big and round with no signs of reducing from the moment I get up to the time I go to bed. I know I am clutching at straws here but has anyone found anything that helps reduce it even slightly? I have become very self aware of it protruding and now live every day in dresses rather than trousers. Don't get me wrong I love my pretty dresses but sometimes i'm that tender pj trousers are too much and I wear size 12 pjs's for bagginess. I know I should see it as a "war wound" and evidence of my daily fight but I am a size 8 petite 5 ft 3 person who looks like I am at advanced stages of pregnancy and ready to drop which in itself is quite depressing when insensitive people pass comments like "at least you know how you would look if you were lucky enough to fall pregnant", my response - sarcastic *thumbs up* cheers!
Anyway, I have tried things like buscopan, warm drinks, hot water bottle and even fruit. Without too much info I am going regular to the toilet although it hurts - I have endo on my bowel. I had a bath last night which helped relax me but that seemed to make it swell more??
I know I am due on anytime over the weekend or early next week, i don't want to have to wait until that finishes over a week away for this to go down. I will be bed bound as it is without being self conscious every time I need to leave my home. My skin feels too tight, It hurts and its just uncomfortable.
Any suggestions welcome
Sorry, that turned into quite the moan! I only intended to ask a simple question haha!
Thank you ladies,