After 3 months of stress (!) and being ignored by a GP, I am finally seeing a Gynaecologist tomorrow morning as an NHS patient at a local private hospital. Can anyone give me an idea of what to expect at my first cunsultation? I'm petrified!! x
What can I expect at my first consultation? - Endometriosis UK
What can I expect at my first consultation?

Hi Liz1984
When I had my first consultation in Jan all they did basically was ask you what symptoms you have been having and also any medication and things that you are on and have you had any problems before and family history that kind of thing.
They will also probably do a Vaginal and a Rectal internal examination depends on the Gyno I think but I had both.
When all this is done she will then probably discuss with another consultant the one who does gyno surgery and see what he/she thinks they will do this in another room probably they will then come back and tell you what they are going to do and if they are going to refer you for a lap.
With me they went out for around 15 minutes then came back and told me I need a Lap and also a transvaginal scan and ultrasound which I had done a few months ago.
I am not booked in for my Lap yay, but if you do get booked in for a lap you may have to wait a month or two from your first consultation date for this to happen x
Like x_b_x at my consultation with a gyno I was asked to describe all my symptoms and how it was affecting my life, what pain relief I had been trying and was it working. They then felt my pelvic area and did a internal vaginal examination and took a smear at the same time.
I was then told from what I had described I had Endo. However the dr didn't think a Lap was ideal for me at that time as I already have a big operation scar and she didn't want the scar tissue to get disturbed as it would cause more aggro.
We discussed various pain treatment options and passed on the hormone ones as I was in my 20's and had no children so she didn't want to put my body into a pseudeo menopause. So decided on the pill Loestrin and also pain meds of mefenamic acid. I was then discharged.
This was all a few years ago and I now feel I need to go back as it has got worse and I most probably will have to have a Lap.
I must mention though, that way before this appointment with the Gyno I was seen by another gyno who really didn't listen and said the usual thing we hear from gp's that it was part of being a woman, I just suffer from more painful periods than others and no point looking into the endo side! So it does depend on who you get. As I was even younger then, I didn't have the strength nor think I had the right to go back to my GP and ask for a 2nd opinion. So I kept suffering in silence. I am sure you will be fine, but if you do get an ignorant gyno who does not listen do not take their diagnosis as bible and do seek another opinion!
Best wishes x
Thanks Ladies! I've already had an internal and ultra-sound scan. The GP I saw diagnosed me with PCOS but a private health screening through my work highlighted that my symptoms dont mirror PCOS and I probably do have Endo (even though a female GP dismissed these claims and told me I was imagining it!)
The pain first started when I was 15 and I was put on the pill for 11 years before coming off March 2012 as my husband and I wanted a family (12 months down the line this hasn't happened and the pain, sickness etc came back in November 2012 and hasn't gone away since)
Fingers crossed they suggest as LAP as I don't want to go back on the pill when the whol idea of me coming off it was to try for a family. Hope I have a gynae that actually listens to me!! x
Hi I told my gyni at first appointment all symptoms and that I'd not conceived in over 7 years, I was lucky that he listened did an internal examination then sugested endo could be the cause. He also felt my fertility should be checked so I had a laparoscopy, hysteroctopy and dye put through tubes all during same op. So it may be worth asking if they can check your tubes too while they're there doing a lap. If they check everything at least you'll know if there's any other issues other than endo without needing more ops x
Ah good idea thanks for that I'll mention it tomorrow and see what they say. Dreading the possibility of an internal exam but I guess I'll have to deal with it! X